Presented Herein As
Compiled and Written by:
Joseph Sebulime-Senyonjo,
‘Secretary-General,’ Fedsnet Web Discussion
Secretary General, Fedsnet Web Discussion
Mr. W.B. Kyijomanyi, Federalism Advocate
Proposed Federal States: Cohesiveness versus Size
What would federalism’s impact be on Ugandans?
Would the central government be short of revenues?
Examples of the Proposed States’ Natural Sources of Revenue
Benefits for Professionals, Students and Civil Servants
States as incubators of National Talent
How would the poorer states cope?
Would Federalism divide the country?
Is Internal Ugandan Federalism Incompatible with East African Federation?
Federalism and Decentralization
Four Reasons Why Decentralization Alone Is Inadequate
Breakdown of 2002 Kampala Revenues
Kampala Expenditures in different sectors
Kampala would be better off under Federalism
The Status of Kampala under Federalism
Federalism elsewhere in Africa
Selection of Official Political Party nominees for President
Presidential and Congressional System
Part II: Model Federal Constitution
Supremacy of the Federal Constitution
(1995 Constitution version, with additions)
Employee Pension funds (borrowed from Article 113 of Swiss constitution)
The General Structure and Division of the Federal Union’s Administrative Power
Roles of Federal Government Institutions
Equalization and Regional Disparities
Legislatives Powers (German model)
Exclusive Legislative Power of the Federal Government
General Provisions for Congress:
Election of a Senate President and the Deputy President and Chair of Committees
Duties and Roles of the Senate President
Duties and Roles of the Deputy President of the Senate and Chair of Committees
Joint Tasks of Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Federal Legislative Procedure (U.S. Model)
The List of Federal Ministries
The Process of Impeaching the President (U.S. Model)
Right of Appeal to the Supreme Court
Tenure and Remuneration of Justices and Judges
The Judicial Service Commission
Federal Assistance to States during the Transition phase from a Unitary System
Transfer of Regional Administrative Infrastructure to States
Accountability of State Officials
State Appointees and Bureaucrats
Recruitment and Dismissal of State and Local Officials
Apportionment of expenditure between the Federal Government and the States (German model)
Budget Management (German Model)
Budget law of the Federal Government
Expenditures in excess of budgetary estimates
Consent of the Federal Government to increases in expenditures or decreases in revenue
Rendering and auditing of accounts
Financial Equalization and Review Board
Functions of the Financial Equalization and Review Board
State Financial Equalization and Review Boards
Responsibilities of the Chair and Vice-Chairperson
Functions of the Electoral Commission
Organization of the Electoral Commission
Campaign Finance Regulations (U.S. model)
Prohibited Electoral Contributions and Expenditures
Order, Security and Fraud During elections
Federal Law enforcement and Interstate Crime
Identification Records Database
Qualifications for Local Police Recruitment
Exception for cross-border federation
Maintenance of Traditional Leaders
Privileges, benefits and Immunities of Traditional Leaders
Functions of Traditional Leaders
Protocol Involving Traditional Leaders
Allocation of Natural Resources Revenues or Royalties
Appendix I: The Federalism Implementation Plan
Appendix II: The Proposed States’ Resources
Appendix III: Submission To The Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission
Appendix IV: Kenya Federalism Debate in The Nation
Appendix V: Tanzania: Problems of Unbalanced Federal Systems
Appendix VI: Electoral Systems: Proportional Representation
Appendix VII: Canada Equalization Example
Appendix VIII: Example of Innovative Federal State Planning
Appendix IX: State of Connecticut Business Tax Incentives
Appendix X: U.S. Federal Protocol Example
Appendix XI: Ethnicity and Governance in the Third World
We Ugandans in the Diaspora, representing all the regions of Uganda and belonging to all its major political organizations including the Movement, the Democratic Party, the Uganda Peoples Congress, the Reform Agenda and the Conservative Party, do hereby present our views to the Constitutional Review Commission regarding total reform of Uganda’s Political System.
Our views are arranged in two parts. Part one is the introduction that states our case for federalism and other political reforms. Part two consists of a model federal constitution, including many of the technical details of the system we are proposing. These provisions are a result of substantial research and consultation of the federal constitutions of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America.
Our views have been shaped over two and a half years of discussions and research on Fedsnet, an internet forum that has enabled us to communicate across geographies. We live in Sweden, Botswana, Denmark, Zambia, Ireland, Oman, Netherlands, Germany, the U.S.A, the U.K, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Uganda.
We settled in the foreign countries for a variety of reasons. Some of us came for educational and economic opportunities. Others came to escape war and real or perceived political persecution under the various post-independence governments of Uganda.
We are Lawyers, Doctors, Accountants, Teachers, Social Scientists, Engineers, Social Workers, Pharmacists, Information Technology Professionals, Students and ‘homemakers’. What we all have in common is our love for Uganda and our desire to see it thrive.
We are convinced that Uganda’s problems -- including political instability, economic irrelevance and ethnic strife -- stem from a fundamental structural failure of the political system over the past forty years. We believe this failure is a result of the central government’s attempts to manage ethnic diversity through either Machiavellian cooptation or suppression of ethnic groups under a forced unitary system.
We contend that the unitary system has failed to address the various regions’ political and socio-economic development needs. We, therefore, propose that Uganda adopts a federal system of government that takes into account our various people’s geo-cultural diversity, and their need for self-determination.
During the pre-independence era, the British colonialists recognized the fact that given the diversity of Uganda’s peoples and its geography, the territory could not be administered in a uniform manner. Thus, while the governor set overall policy for the colony, the various regional administrators had a good amount of administrative independence. They built roads, schools, and towns using locally generated revenues from cash crops and taxes. Each of the regions was quite self-sufficient and contributed to the overall economy of Uganda. This governance structure was so successful that by independence, Uganda had one of Africa’s best infrastructures, and was on per with, or better than, many of the now famous East Asian Tigers in development.
We believe federalism would enable Uganda to revitalize its economic capacity.
American Heritage Illustrated Dictionary of The English Language defines a
Federal system as follows:
Of, pertaining to, or designating a form of government in which a union
states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while retaining
residual powers of government.
Of, constituting, or characterized by a form of government in which
power is divided between a central authority and a number of
political units.
Federalism scholar William Riker further defines Federalism as an explicitly two-tiered system, with some area of autonomy for each level of government and an explicit guarantee of that autonomy.[1]
The independent authority of the constituent units distinguishes federalism from the unitary system in which the lower government units derive power from the central government.
We propose a thirteen State Federal system that grants federalism to all of Uganda’s major territories. In multi-ethnic states, where small ethnic groups inhabit particular geographic areas, electoral districts could be demarcated by these states to ensure representation for all the groups in state assemblies.
The states would not have to be equal in size. In multi-ethnic nations, with various ethnic groups inhabiting distinct territories, federalism’s most important role is the management of ethnic diversity. In such nations, small states with certain levels of cultural cohesiveness are often more important for stability and economic development than larger states (or regions) with disparate ethnic groups competing for political and economic resources.
In addition, the experience of federal countries such as the United States shows that smaller states often have higher living standards and incomes per capita than larger, more populous and more naturally endowed states.
The State of Connecticut, one of the smallest states in the U.S.A, with a population of 3.4 million people has America’s highest per capita income at $42,435. California, the state with America’s largest population, at 35 million, and with far more resources than Connecticut, has a capita income of only $32,702. Delaware the smallest state in the United States with a population of 807,835 has a per capita income of $32,472, almost equal to California’s and much higher than that of oil-rich Texas with a population of 21 million people, and a per capita income of $28,581.
Since in a full-fledged federal system all states -- large and small -- have the same autonomous powers to run their economic affairs, the smaller states’ investments and economic activities often have a more positive impact on incomes of their residents than the larger states investments’ impact on incomes of their residents, possibly due to the larger states’ greater responsibilities.
We believe that federalism would unleash Uganda’s full
development potential as each Ugandan state competes openly with others for the
betterment of its peoples’ lives. The unspoken reality is
that Uganda’s ethnic regions and groups are constantly competing for development
and economic resources. This competition spills over into the political arena
since the central government is the largest source of patronage and economic
benefits. This phenomenon is manifested by the regions’ constant demands for
ministerial positions, and by the exceedingly great nepotism practiced by each
succeeding ruling group.
Federalism would empower the people in the various regions of
Uganda to mobilize their human and natural resources for development without
being unduly dependent on the distant, indifferent, and at times hostile
central government. It would diffuse the competition for the limited central
government positions, and re-channel some of it into building, vibrant regional
centers that create opportunities for the states’ inhabitants, and for the
nation as a whole. Ugandans would be enabled to shape their own destinies
through the capacity of states to raise and retain some of the major revenues
that now go exclusively to the central government. The retained revenues would
be used to build roads, clinics, industries and schools.
The pool of revenue for the central government would grow
much larger as each of the states develops its full economic potential.
Consequently, even though the central government would share the major tax
proceeds with the states, it would in due time get more revenues than ever
Unlike our neighbors, Kenya and Tanzania, and indeed much of
the world, each of Uganda’s regions is well endowed with agricultural
potential, the foundation of growth in any economy. Beyond Agriculture many of
the regions are blessed with tourism resources and mineral wealth.
Kigezi State (Kabale, Rukungiri, Kanungu and Kisoro), could
capitalize on its attractions that include Lake Bunyonyi, the Bwindi
Impenetrable Forest (Mount Gorillas), Ishasha Game reserve (climbing lions),
the Mount Gahinga Rest Camp and the Muhabura volcanic ranges to build a great tourism
industry with a network of hotels and recreational facilities. Its tourism
infrastructure would employ thousands of people while creating offshoot
industries. Kigezi farmers could be organized into cooperative societies to
enable them to supply food, fruits and vegetables to the hotels. In addition,
Kigezi would keep a good percentage of revenue from its mining operations for
Tin and Wolfram.
In addition to a potentially major agricultural industry in
Bushenyi, Ankole could establish a substantial beef processing industry. It
could also be the centre for butter, cheese, yogurt, and other milk related
industries in East Africa. In addition, it could establish a shoe manufacturing
industry supported by its locally abundant hides and skins. Ankole would also
keep substantial revenue from mining operations for Gold, Tin and
Limestone. Tourism revenue for Ankole
would come from Lake Mburo National Park, Kitagata Hot Springs, Karegyera
Rock and the Royal sites, among other attractions.
All the other states including Karamoja and Bukedi would
have substantial revenue sources including minerals such as Gold in Karamoja;
Oil in Bunyoro and West Nile; Phosphates in Bukedi; Copper and Cobalt in Tooro;
Power generation and industry in Busoga; Cloth manufacturing supported by
Cotton growing in Lango and Acholi etc. Bugisu could be a centre for high-value Arabica coffee
processing, and would retain revenues from a Mt. Elgon-based tourism industry. In addition, States like Acholi, Bugisu,
Bukedi, Kigezi, Tooro, West Nile and Ankole that share substantial borders with
our neighbors could keep a portion of the customs revenue transacted at their
borders. Buganda could also keep a portion of the customs revenue generated
through Entebbe Airport. All the states would also be empowered to attract both
Local and Foreign investors.
The new federal states would create plenty of new
Accountants and Lawyers would be needed to ensure the smooth
running of the states’ financial and judicial systems. State bureaucrats and
social scientists would be needed to ensure proper development planning and
policy formulation.
Civil engineers would be needed for infrastructure projects.
Industrialists, businessmen and traders would be needed to process and market
the states’ products. Farmers would get state assistance in marketing their
produce. Banks would open up new branches to finance new business activities.
The states’ civil services would employ thousands of young
graduates from universities and tertiary institutions that now cannot find
jobs. Many young graduates would get an opportunity to acquire very high-level
experience early in their careers. Hospitals would be built and existing ones
improved creating new opportunities for doctors. Newspapers, Radio and
Television stations would get far more revenue from advertising as government
and business activities mushroom, and as more people become affluent and better
Ambitious individuals would have opportunities to prove
themselves for the Presidency through state governorships, which would be more
prestigious than most cabinet positions. Outstanding state governors would have
advantages over opponents when campaigning to be President due to their
demonstrable experience.
Less advantaged states would get help from the central
government through substantial fixed formula, unconditional equalization
transfers to enable them to achieve minimum national standards.
We believe that far from further dividing the country,
federalism would actually, in due time, unite it. Uganda is now divided, and
depending on regime in power, the central government often has little, to no
legitimacy in one or more regions due to its perceived repressive
nature; its failure to address regional economic needs; its failure to
accommodate diversity; and its nepotism.
We are convinced that when all Ugandans, whether they are in
Karamoja or in Kigezi, get empowered to shape their destinies within the
context of Uganda, pride in Uganda, as an entity, would increase along with
increased regional self-confidence. And that, we believe, would increase
national unity as regional needs become legitimized and addressed.
Federalism within Uganda is not incompatible with the East
African community. In fact, we believe that Federalism for regions within the
three East African countries would be even more necessary in the event of an
East African union. Particular regional concerns within the three territories
would be better addressed in cohesive and strong local states which ensure that
the economic and political interests of their people are not ignored in an even
more distant East African executive.
Moreover, internal federalism is an issue that is being
debated in both Kenya and Tanzania. In Kenya, many views in favor of federalism
have been submitted to the Kenya Constitutional Review Commission. Tanzania is
also debating improving on its semi-federal arrangement with Zanzibar.
Federalism is the truest form of decentralization since it does not merely delegate power, responsibilities and resources; it permanently allocates them among the constituent units. Fortunately for Uganda, the decentralization exercise has created a good foundation for federalism in Uganda since local governments are an integral part of federalism. Contrary to some critics’ claim that federalism would take away power and services from local governments and give them to regions, the fact is that current local government powers, services and revenues would be enhanced under federalism. The Districts and other Local government units in Uganda would retain the taxes that they now collect since none are major. The new state governments, which would be nearer to the local governments, would raise and share the major tax revenues with the Central government and redistribute them to the local governments.
First, Local Government Powers Are merely Delegated
The current local government units have powers delegated to them by the central government; these powers can be un-delegated at anytime. The ultimate authority even on local matters lies with the central government.
Second, The Districts Are too Small, Numerous and Cannot Work Together
The current districts are too many and too small to effectively mobilize resources for major infrastructure projects like highways, industry and civil engineering works. And because the minuscule districts are all dependent on central government funds for much of their local budgets, it is not easy for them to work together on joint projects.
Third, Revenue Allocation is heavily weighted in favor of the central government
Total Central government revenues in 2002 were over Shs. 2000 billion, which is equivalent to $1 billion. Total transfers (conditional and unconditional) from the Central government to the 56 Local governments were Shs. 670 billion ($335 million). That is, the central government kept over 66% of the total revenue while it transferred 34% of the revenue to Local governments for education, health and other social sectors.
Conditional Grants
According to data from the Local Government Finance Commission of the Shs 670 billion in total central government transfers, 80% or Shs 536 billion ($268 million) was in the form of conditional grants directed to specific central government objectives in five sectors education, health, water, roads and agriculture.
Unconditional Grants
Only 11.6% of the Shs. 670 billion, or $38 million was in the form of unconditional grants to the over 56 districts of Uganda! And according to the Local Government Finance Commission, in some districts, the unconditional grants were not even sufficient to cover the decentralized wage bill.[2]
Equalization Grants
The Equalization Grant, which provided subsidies to 34 districts and 40 urban councils, amounted to Shs 4.33 billion ($2.2 million) or less than 1% of the total transfers.
Fourth, Local Governments lack Operational Independence
Since conditional grants make up the bulk of most Local governments’ finances, the Local governments have little independence vis-ŕ-vis the Central government.
Decentralization Case study: The example of Kampala
Kampala is Uganda’s wealthiest Local government unit and generates much of Uganda’s revenue. Kampala like other Local government units does not collect any of the major taxes such as Pay As You Earn (PAYE), Excise taxes, Value Added Taxes (VAT) and many indirect taxes. The Uganda Revenue Authority collects the major taxes and remits them to the central government.
Source |
Ushs. |
USD equivalent |
Graduated Tax |
3,336,082,755 |
1,668,041 |
Property Rates and Ground Rent |
6,080,317,583 |
3,040,159 |
License Fees |
3,900,772,718 |
1,950,386 |
Market Dues/Rent |
1,774,857,883 |
887,429 |
Vehicle Parks |
727,977,739 |
363,989 |
Miscellaneous |
4,318,896,584 |
2,159,448 |
Tax park Revenue |
3,129,102,000 |
1,564,551 |
Sale of Houses |
2,222,884,401 |
1,111,442 |
Total Local Revenue |
23,268,007,262 |
12,745,445 |
Unconditional Grants |
2,378,950,271 |
1,189,475 |
Conditional Grants |
15,546,804,825 |
7,773,402 |
Total Combined Revenue |
41,193,762,358 |
21,708,323 |
Despite the fact that a big percentage of Uganda’s $1 billion in revenue is collected in Kampala, the city gets back only $ 9 million, 0.009% of total central government revenue, in grants. Meanwhile Kampala collects a mere $12 million from the minor revenue sources.
Kampala’s budget for the year 2002 was Shs. 58.7 billion ($29,350,000) of which Shs. 41,193,762,358 ($21,708,323) was realized. Thus Kampala’s needs cannot be met in one financial year alone.
Sector |
Amount in Shs. |
Amount in USD |
% of total |
Finance and Administration |
3,510,000,000 |
1,755,000 |
8 |
Health and Environment |
3,929,000,000 |
1,964,500 |
9 |
Education |
9,251,000,000 |
4,625,500 |
22 |
Works & Physical Planning |
5,240,000,000 |
2,620,000 |
12 |
Gender & Community Services |
751,000,000 |
375,500 |
2 |
Local Council and Committees |
5,751,000,000 |
2,875,500 |
13 |
Management Support Services |
3,058,000,000 |
1,529,000 |
7 |
Counterpart funding to Nakivubo Channel Rehabilitation Project |
7,570,000,000 |
3,785,000 |
17 |
Revenue contribution to
Capital |
4,350,000,000 |
2,175,000 |
10 |
According to local figures, one kilometer of tarmac road in Kampala costs approximately Shs.350, 000,000 ($175,000). If Kampala were to use its entire works and physical planning budget of $2,620,000 to build roads, only 15 km of new roads would be constructed, not including repairs.
Under the current decentralization system, taxpayers in Kampala can hardly correlate the taxes they are paying with the level of services they are getting. As a result many seek to avoid paying taxes. Roads in most Kampala neighborhoods are sub-standard or non-existent; there are almost no traffic lights; there are no ambulance services; and many slum areas have neither clean water nor sewage lines. In addition, most school infrastructure is poor and hospitals lack medicines.
Under the current decentralization system, Kampala does not have enough bargaining power to intervene with the central government despite its disproportionate contribution to the national treasury. Kampala would have far more bargaining power with local federal state authorities. Kampala’s residents would hold both the state and local authorities accountable for any gross gap between Kampala’s contribution to state coffers and the amount of revenue and services it gets in return. Under federalism, Kampala would keep the minor tax revenues it’s currently collecting and more; it would in addition get a fairer share of the major revenues collected in its environs from the state and federal governments.
We believe that Kampala should be part of Buganda where it is located geographically and historically. Kampala would continue to serve all its residents equally. Major taxes collected in Kampala, as elsewhere, would be shared between the central government and Buganda. Nevertheless, Kampala would enjoy much more of its tax revenue than it does now. The Central government would continue to own and administer its buildings, Ministries, and other properties within Kampala.
In as much as any territory in Uganda is national; and anyone can settle anywhere, pay taxes there and enjoy the services for which he or she pays taxes, it is not in the interest of justice for the central government to claim any territory to the detriment of any of Uganda’s peoples.
Bunyoro where oil has been found should continue to belong to Bunyoro even though many people from elsewhere in Uganda may settle there for employment opportunities. The people that settle there would pay taxes to the state of Bunyoro, and would along with the Banyoro enjoy the provision of services paid for by their taxes. Many of the major towns including Mbarara, Mbale and Jinja are multi-ethnic but that does not mean they should be claimed by the central government.
Buganda’s history and administration has for centuries evolved around Kampala. Consequently, Kampala is not neutral ground. This fact may have been the reason why the colonialists chose to establish Uganda’s capital at Entebbe, a relatively remote site. In addition, much, though not all, of the land in Kampala belongs to the Buganda government and Baganda landlords. A good percentage of Buganda’s population also lives in Kampala. Thus annexation of Kampala by the central government would probably cause instability and bad will leading to uncertainty about the future of the city.
We believe that as we reform our country towards unity in diversity, we should move away from suppression of our people’s natural birthrights.
In Africa only South Africa, 1994, and Ethiopia more recently, are true federal countries, although not good models for Uganda. Nigeria is an example of a country with ill-conceived and badly structured federalism, since it is unitary in spirit, though federal by law. The Nigerian Federal government operates much like a unitary state. It controls most of the revenue; as a result the Nigerian states are mere beggars, just like the Ugandan districts. There are many internal demands for Nigeria to adopt true federalism; short of which some ethnic groups, specifically the Yoruba, are contemplating secession.
In federal countries, states where natural resources are found are largely responsible for administering those resources (with federal oversight), and they retain a significant percentage of the resulting revenues. In Nigeria, the Oil producing states keep only 3% of their oil revenues.
In our proposed federal system, the distribution of natural resource revenues from minerals and national parks should follow this allocation formula: 35% stays in the state, 35% goes to the central government, and 30% goes into a national equalization pool which the central government redistributes to poorer, or less endowed states.
Unlike true federal countries, in
Nigeria states are created at the whim of the federal rulers, mocking the whole
concept of federalism. The Nigerian example shows that
badly structured federalism is as bad, or worse than, a unitary system. Thus,
it is important, for a federal country, that the allocation of powers, revenues
and jurisdiction is clearly established and fairly laid out in a federal
We consider unfettered Pluralism, Term-Limits, and the introduction of an American style Presidential and Congressional System both necessary and complementary to the federal system we are proposing. We also request that the 1998 Land Act be revisited.
Federalism and Pluralism are cousins. Since Federalism diffuses power and checks on the potential excesses of the central government, it cannot thrive in a situation where power is not freely contested among national political forces. Indeed, federalism’s checks and balances are a bane to centralization of power in any one party, person, or institution. Thus beyond its usual merits of freedom of association, conscience and expression, Pluralism is absolutely necessary for successful, and stable federalism. Federalism guarantees each level of government autonomous powers, whereas non-pluralistic, or one-party systems tend to centralize power; due to these contradictions, federalism and non-pluralistic systems cannot --in a diverse nation -- co-exist successfully for very long.
To unfetter Pluralism, we recommend that Article 269, and all other articles and statutes that limit operations of political parties be repealed and removed from the books. The Movement should officially become a Political Party that contests freely with the others. All parties, including the movement, should be divorced from state coffers.
Under the proposed federal system, political parties would choose their official candidates for President through American style primaries in which candidates with a threshold of support in their local states would get the opportunity to sell their vision for the country to the rest of the states. The prospective party nominees would campaign in each state. Each party’s followers in each state would vote for their favorite party candidate. The candidate who wins the most states, with the most votes, would be the official party nominee.
We recommend that term-limits on the Presidency be maintained. Most democracies in the world have opted for term-limits for their Presidents. Switzerland even has a one-term limit!
It is a fact that incumbents worldwide have advantages over opponents in elections. Term-limits are necessary to protect against the possibility of an incumbent President with enough charisma and oratory skills swaying the population indefinitely even when his or her policies may not be in the long-term interests of the country.
Hitler, for example, was immensely popular in Germany and could have won elections for a long time despite the fact that he was exterminating a whole minority group, and turning Germany into a fascist state. Consequently, as nation builders, we should not decide the issue of term-limits based on our views on the merits of the current incumbent, nor on our short-term interests.
Term-limits may also defuse some of the deadly competition for the Presidency among Political Parties knowing that if the party does not win the Presidency, its candidate would have a fair chance after the elected President’s second term in office.
Finally, Term-limits enable a country to fully re-examine its priorities through new administrative teams, on a periodic basis.
We propose an American style Presidential and Congressional system. Uganda currently has a hybrid Presidential / Parliamentary system. In a Presidential system, the President is elected directly, and is sometimes not even from the party that holds the majority of seats in parliament (or the American congress). The Congressional system is a natural complement of the Presidential system in that legislators cannot be members of the Executive. The Presidential / Congressional system maximizes checks and balances among the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, and guarantees their relative independence.
The new federal legislature we are proposing would have two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate. We are proposing that the combined number of legislators in both chambers be less than the current number of Members of Parliament.
The House of Representatives would be elected based on constituencies within the states, whereas the senate would be elected by entire states acting as single electorates. The senate would represent state interests; all states regardless of size would have the same number of senators.
We recommend that the 1995 Constitution’s provisions regarding Land, as well as the 1998 Land Act, be re-negotiated with the various regional authorities to ensure that rights of both landowners and tenants are respected.
The tenants’ land rental fee of Shs. 1000 per year is tantamount to the state re-allocating land without due respect to landowners’ property investments, and should thus be repealed.
Married women’s rights on Land should be guaranteed and protected. They must not be evicted on event of their husbands’ death.
We believe that after nearly 40 years of an imposed unitary experiment, it is time to try universal federalism, that is, federalism for all Uganda’s peoples.
The Unitary system has failed us. Since 1966, Uganda has known nothing but instability, wars, dictatorship and economic collapse. Once vibrant regional towns such as Jinja, Kabale, Masaka and Mbale are now mere shadows of themselves.
Once prosperous rural areas in Luwero and Masaka are now pathetic, poverty stricken enclaves. Whole generations of children in war-ravaged areas of the Gulu, Pakwach and Luwero have not known school.
We believe it is time for bold leadership that finally settles the recurrent issue of federalism in Ugandan politics fairly and decisively. Not settling the issue now would be irresponsible since future leaders may exploit it in a way that further divides Ugandans, and creates more deadly conflict.
We owe future generations a solid foundation for a strong, stable and peaceful nation; built on the acknowledgement and empowerment of all our diverse peoples.
The Nigerian experience, and our own 1962-1966 period, shows that half-hearted or less than full-fledged federalism is disastrous. To avoid problems we recommend full federalism for all Ugandans. The powers, resources and responsibilities among the various levels of governments must be carefully delineated.
In part two of this document, we present a model federal constitution based on extensive research and examination of various federal constitutions. Our model delineates the powers, resources and responsibilities among all levels of government. The American, German, and Australian Federal constitutions, and to a lesser extent, the Swiss and the Canadian Federal constitutions have greatly influenced our model.
The American and German Constitutions have been particularly instructive. The American constitution has appealed to us due to its overall federal spirit and its clear separation of powers. The German constitution has influenced us due to its clear delineation of resources, powers and jurisdictions among the various levels of government. The Swiss and Belgian constitutions are interesting since they are largely based on ethnicity and language rights, but they are rather too complex for our purposes. Australia is interesting because it is a commonwealth federal country inspired by American federalism. However, both Australia and Canada are less than fully attractive federal models due to the fact that they have a lot of unwritten constitutional conventions in the British tradition.
We have endeavored to create a model constitution based on successful models elsewhere because we understand that the introduction of Federalism is going to require more than just amending the constitution. It shall require an essentially new constitution. On the occasion that Parliament endorses the federal idea, our extensively researched model constitution endeavors to render the process of making a new federal constitution relatively quick, and less costly.
In Appendix I, we suggest a 5-year implementation phase effective the date federalism is adopted by parliament.
We the people of Uganda,
Aware of our diverse cultures;
Determined to form a legitimate and lasting union;
Longing for lasting peace, self-determination and development;
Committed to the general welfare and the fundamental human rights of every person
do, through our freely elected representatives, hereby adopt this federal constitution on this day of ----, 2005.
Uganda is a federal Union. The union shall have three levels of government: Federal, State and Local. The roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions of each level of government are established by this constitution. Authorities at each level of government shall honor and shall not infringe on the other levels of governments’ roles, responsibilities and jurisdictions.
Adjustments to these roles shall
be negotiated through mechanisms set by this constitution and shall require agreement of the concerned parties.
The Union shall consist of 13 states: Acholi, Ankole, Buganda, (Bugisu & Sebei), Bukedi, Bunyoro, Busoga, Karamoja, Kigezi, Lango, Teso, Tooro, and (West Nile & Madi).
The federal constitution is the supreme law of the union. The 13 states shall enact their own constitutions that shall be in concert with the principles, rights and protections set forth by this federal constitution.
3. National legislation shall provide for the acquisition, loss, and restoration of citizenship
4. All citizens shall be free to live, settle and find employment anywhere in any state of the Union
The official language of Uganda shall be English until such a time when one or more indigenous languages of Uganda shall be deemed appropriate for national language status.
The indigenous languages of Uganda including Ateso, Luganda, Lugbara, Lumasaba, Luo, Lusoga, and Runyakitura may be used as additional official languages in the states where they are spoken, read or understood by the majority.
This clause shall not preclude any other languages that individual states may choose for themselves.
of Women
women, co-habiting with their husbands, or to whom the men have allocated
separate properties, shall be deemed co-owners of the family properties.
person, not in a will, shall have claim on the properties in the event of the
women’s husbands’ deaths.
Legislature may pass laws protecting the rights of young children on the
of widows shall be deemed theft, punishable by incarceration, and fines.
in the above clauses precludes women from inheriting other property.
one shall have a right to Social Security.
The Federal government shall take measures to ensure adequate social security for the elderly and disabled persons through insurance and pension schemes.
The Federal government shall legislate on employee pension funds.
The insured persons and their employers shall finance employees pension plans through contributions.
The Federal government shall legislate on unemployment insurance.
Unemployment insurance shall be paid by contributions of the insured persons and their employers.
The Federal government shall institute maternity insurance. It may also oblige persons to contribute who cannot benefit from the insurance.
In extraordinary circumstances, the federal government and the states shall provide subsidies.
The Federal government shall take measures to ensure economic development, and in particular to prevent and fight unemployment and inflation.
The federal government and the states shall strive to create favorable conditions for the private sector of the economy.
Competition Policy (Swiss model)
The federal government shall legislate to fight against economically or socially damaging effects of cartels and other restrictions of competition.
It shall take measures
The Federal government shall legislate on the protection of the environment against harm and nuisance.
Polluters shall pay fines along with cleaning costs.
The federal regulations concerning the environment shall be implemented by the states, insofar as a statute does reserve this to the federal government.
In the interests of food security, the Federal government shall
· where necessary complement farmers’ agricultural revenues by direct payments, to secure fair and adequate remuneration for services rendered, provided that compliance with ecological requirements is proven.
· through incentives, promote environmentally sustainable forms of production.
· legislate on the declaration of origin, quality, production, and processing methods for foodstuffs
· protect the environment against pollution due to excessive use of fertilizers, chemicals and other auxiliary substances.
· Zoning shall be the responsibility of the states.
· The federal government shall establish principles on zoning
· Zoning shall take into account proper planning, moderate use of land, and well ordered communities.
The Federal government’s role shall be mainly of
coordination, setting national standards, investing through state grants in
such national priorities as interstate infrastructure, science, technology,
education and vocational training; supplementing state governments’ efforts.
The national ministries shall be responsible for administering and
implementing national policies and priorities on behalf of the Federal
government. They shall set minimum national standards and guidelines that all
states shall be required to meet.
Otherwise, the ministries shall not have power to overturn state
The Central Bank shall be in charge of monetary
policy, setting banking rules, setting lending policies, reserve requirements,
and overall supervision of banks throughout the Union.
The President as the Chief Executive Officer of
the country shall be responsible for the overall agenda and health of the
national economy. He / She shall persuade the legislature to implement his or
her agenda.
The legislature shall debate national economic
and political policies, approve or amend them, introduce new bills to be signed
by the President, review the budget (spending allocations) and authorize
disbursing of funds to the states.
The National legislature shall use grants and
any other instruments as may be established by law to assist states to provide
services, or to effect National objectives and standards.
The State legislatures and administrators shall
be responsible for implementing Federal policies and objectives approved by the
Federal Senate, in consultation with national ministries or agencies.
A State, through its legislature, may opt out of
a federal grant program provided it meets the minimum national standard of the
objective of the grant, or shows a clear plan and timetable of achieving the
same without federal aid.
The National legislature’s power to initiate
cost-sharing programs involving conditional grants in areas within states’
jurisdiction shall require both a broad national consensus and per capita
reimbursement by the federal government of the people (not the government) of a
state whose legislature decides not to participate.
1- The Federal Government shall make
equalization transfers to ensure that:
All States regardless of ability to raise
revenue provide comparable levels of services at comparable levels of taxation.
b- Regional
disparities in economic development and living standards are minimized.
2- The Equalization payments
shall be calculated
according to a formula set out in federal legislation and regulations.
3- States with revenue raising ability,
or fiscal capacity, below a threshold or standard amount shall receive
Equalization payments from the federal government to bring their revenues up to
that standard.
Equalization payments shall be subject to a floor provision to protect
individual states against any large
year-to-year declines in its payments.
The Equalization formula shall be reviewed by regularly by the Exchequer board
that shall make recommendation to the Minister of Finance as to its adjustment.
6- Equalization transfers to the qualifying
states shall be unconditional; the qualifying states shall use them according
to their priorities as determined by their legislatures.
1. The states shall have the power to legislate in areas where the constitution does not confer exclusive legislative powers to the federal government.
b. Whereas as Concurrent powers shall be refer to powers or jurisdiction shared with another level of government.
On matters within the exclusive legislative powers of the federal government, the states have authority to legislate only if, and to the extent that, a federal law explicitly so authorizes them.
1- On matters within the concurrent legislative powers, the states have authority to legislate as long as, and to the extent that the federal government does not use its legislative power.
2- The federal government has a right to legislate on these matters to the extent that a need for a federal rule exists because:
I. a matter cannot be effectively dealt with by the legislation of an individual state.
II. dealing with a matter by state law might prejudice the interests of other states or of the entire nation
shall include:
shall include:
1. State Planning and Economic development policy
2. Property and Civil rights in the state
3. Incorporation of companies within the state
4. Borrowing of money on the sole credit of the State
5. Establishment and Tenure of State offices and the Appointment
And Payment of State officers
4. The management and sale of public lands belonging to the state
6. State sports
7. State Police
8. State lotteries
9. State roads and traffic
10. Museums, other than national museums
11. Abattoirs
12. Ambulance Services
13. Archives other than national archives
14. Libraries other than national libraries
B- The following local government matters shall fall under State and Local Government Legislative power and jurisdiction
Natural resources and forests
National Parks
Animal Control and disease
Casinos, racing, gambling
Consumer protection
Cultural matters
Disaster management
Health services
Indigenous law and customary law
Civil law, Criminal law and execution of sentences
Land law
Interstate highways
The law relating to economic matters (mining, industry, supply of electricity, crafts, trade, commerce, banking, private insurance)
The system of Judicature, the procedure of the courts
The legal profession, notaries and legal advice
Admission to medical and other professions
The economic viability of hospitals, and the regulation of hospitalization fees
The regulation of educational and training grants
Promotion of Scientific Research
Measures against epidemic and infectious diseases of humans and animals
Assistance, training and facilitation of entrepreneurs
Registration of births, deaths and marriages
Prevention of abuse of economic power
Dealings in real estate
Public welfare
Nature conservation
Pollution control
Population development
Property transfer fees
Public transport
Urban and rural development
Welfare services
Vehicle licensing
The legislature shall be based on the congressional system. All the legislative powers granted to the federal government, shall be vested in the congress of the Federal Union of Uganda.
The legislature shall consist of the House of Representatives and the Senate. There shall be 105 representatives and 52 senators for a total number of legislators not exceeding 157. This number shall include representatives for minority ethnic districts within some states.
The number of Representatives shall be as practically as possible twice the number of Senators, plus one.
The House of Representatives shall represent electoral districts within each state.
The allocation of House of Representatives seats to states shall be based on their population.
The Senators shall represent each state’s electorate as a whole, and each state, regardless of population, shall have an equal number of senators.
The House of Representatives and the Senate shall jointly be referred to as the Congress.
Congress shall have power to legislate in all matters assigned by this constitution to Federal and concurrent jurisdiction including but not limited to the power:
· to levy and collect taxes and duties within federal jurisdiction to pay for government expenditures and pay debts.
· borrow money on the credit of the Federal union
· To print and coin money
· regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states
· establish uniform laws on Naturalization, immigration, passports, and the rights of refugees and of asylum
· establish uniform Laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout Uganda.
· enact laws on the utilization of land and other natural resources, including rivers and lakes crossing boundaries of the national boundaries, or linking two or more states
· regulate air, rail and water transport as well as interstate highways
· establish uniform standards of measurements and calendar
· enforce rights established by this constitution as well as electoral laws and procedures
· regulate patents and copyrights
· enact federal labor and commercial codes
· determine and oversee the organization of the army, public security and the national police agency.
· Regulate the possession and bearing of arms
· Provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing part of them as may be employed in the service of the Union, reserving to the states the Appointment of Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by congress
· Regulate Postal services
· Promote research, science, technology and the arts
Congress may:
· Consider, pass, amend or reject any legislation before it
· Initiate or prepare legislation, except money bills
· Ensure that all executive organs of the federal government are accountable to it
· Review the exercise of the executive powers, including the implementation of passed legislation
1- Every member of Congress, every Congressional group, and every State, shall have a right to submit initiatives to Congress
2- Members of Congress and the Executive may present motions concerning a proposal under deliberation.
Congress shall appoint Standing committees and any other committees necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions.
The appointment, composition and functions of committees shall be established by statute.
The House of Representatives shall appoint a Petitions Committee to deal with requests and complaints addressed to Congress by the public.
The powers of the Committee to consider complaints shall be regulated by federal statute.
Congress shall have power to:
a. Summon any person to appear before it or its committee to give evidence on oath or affirmation, or to produce documents
b. Require any person or institution to report to it
c. Receive petitions, representations, or submissions from any interested persons or institutions.
Proceedings and Procedures:
Congress may make rules and orders of its proceedings with due regard to participatory democracy, accountability, transparency, and public involvement
The Rules and Orders must provide for-
a. The establishment, composition, powers, functions, procedures, and duration of its committees
b. The participation in the proceedings of the Congress and its committees of minority parties represented in congress
c. Financial and administrative assistance to each party represented in congress in proportion to its representation to enable the party and its leader to perform their functions in congress effectively
d. Recognition of the leader of the largest opposition party in Congress as the Leader of the Opposition
Congress may punish its members for disorderly behavior, and with approval of two-thirds, expel a member.
Members of Congress shall not be held liable to civil or criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment or damages for anything they have said in, produced before or submitted to Congress or any of its committees
Immunity of a member of Congress shall not extend to criminal behavior, in or outside Congress.
Salaries, allowances and benefits payable to members of Congress shall directly be charged against the Consolidated fund.
The two houses of congress shall each determine their own budgets.
The Speaker of the House and the Senate President shall, in consultation with a legislative service commission established by law, have a right to hire congressional staff, including the clerks to the House and Senate.
The House and the Senate shall meet regularly for sessions.
A statute shall regulate the calling of sessions
One fourth of the members of either chamber may request that Congress meets for an extraordinary session.
The President of the Union may in special circumstances, stipulated by statute, convene an extraordinary session of Congress.
1- The House of Representatives and the Senate shall deliberate separately
2- Decisions of Congress shall require the approval of both the House and the Senate
The meetings of both the Senate and the House of Representatives shall be open to the public. A statute may provide for exceptions.
Congress shall not be subject to dissolution by the Executive.
The majority in each house shall constitute a quorum to do business; a small number may adjourn from day to day.
Congress may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such a manner and under such penalties, as each house shall provide.
No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he or she was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the federal Union of Uganda which shall have been created during, or the compensation of which increased during such time.
No person employed in another capacity shall be a member of either house without first resigning the position in that other capacity.
The Senate and the House shall each keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish them. The votes of members shall be recorded in the journal (Hansard).
Neither the Senate nor the House of Representatives shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that which the two houses shall be sitting.
All members of Congress shall be subject to the oath of office of the union established by law. The oath shall include a promise to uphold and honor the integrity of the federal constitution.
The Chief Justice, the Speaker, the Senate President or the clerks may administer the Oath of Office as shall be established by statute.
Congress and State
legislatures shall enact a code of ethics prohibiting conflict between public
duty and private interests of members.
Tax legislation
All bills for raising of revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
The House of Representatives shall have the power to impeach (indict), or bring charges against federal officials including the President, or a member of his or her cabinet for abuse of office including: Treason, Criminal and Unconstitutional behavior, Bribery, and gross misconduct.
Members of the House of Representatives shall be elected by the people for a term of three years on the basis of universal adult suffrage and by direct, free and fair elections held by secret ballot.
Elections for representatives shall be held within 30 days before the expiration of their term.
The law shall make provisions for special representation of minority ethnic territories existing within the multi- ethnic states prior to the enactment of this constitution.
The house seats shall be distributed among the states in proportion to their population.
Political Parties shall nominate the candidates to contest for seats in the constituencies.
Independent candidates should be nominated by a threshold number of people in their resident constituencies to be determined and established by law depending on population of constituencies.
At least 35% of the nominated candidates for each Political Party shall be women.
Each house seat shall correspond to a physical constituency. There shall be no representative in the house that is not directly elected by a constituency.
No person, party or authority shall nominate non-elected representatives to the House of Representatives.
Electoral constituencies shall be demarcated in each state by the electoral commission based on results of a national census carried out every 10 years.
The electoral constituency boundaries shall not cross state borders.
The electoral commission shall present any constituency boundary changes to the electoral committees of both the Federal and State Senates for review.
The Electoral Commission shall publish constituency changes within 6 months.
New distributions shall be applied as of the following general election.
Whenever a vacancy exists in the house due to resignation, disability, death or any other reason, the clerk to the house shall notify the Electoral Commission in writing within ten days after the vacancy has occurred; and a by-election shall be held within sixty days after the vacancy has occurred.
When a representative decides to leave his or her party in favor of another party, or to become an independent:
a. He or She shall resign his or her seat immediately.
b. A by-election shall be held within 60 days to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
c. The departing representative can contest in the by-election along with others under his or her new party, or as an independent candidate.
Eligible persons:
To be eligible, for a seat in the House of Representatives one must be:
Non-eligible persons:
Category 1
a. Federal Senators
b. Members of state assemblies
c. Public servants, including defense personnel such as army officers etc.
d. Members of the Executive, including Cabinet Ministers
e. Officers of the electoral commission
f. Traditional leaders
Persons in Category 1 have to resign their positions if they wish to be nominated for the House of Representatives.
Category 2
a. Non-citizens
b. Persons with unresolved bankruptcies
c. Persons convicted of criminal offenses
d. The mentally ill
The representatives shall elect the Speaker and Vice-Speaker by secret ballot on the first sitting day of the House of Representatives after each election, which shall be no later than thirty days after the election.
A judge shall preside over the election of a speaker.
The Speaker shall preside over the election of a Vice-Speaker, and Second Deputy Speaker. In addition, the representatives shall elect a Secretary of the house.
The Speaker shall:
· Chair the House of Representatives’ meetings
· Interpret and enforce standing orders, respond to members’ points of order relating to the orders, and give rulings on procedure when necessary
· Maintain, in an impartial, non-partisan manner, the order and security of the House and restrain unruly behavior
· Maintain the integrity and independence of the house and safeguard its authority and protect its members.
· Undertake official duties for and represent the house including transmitting approved money bills to the President, or the implementing Cabinet Minister
· Make statements or announcements to House as necessary and respond to questions on matters of administration of the house.
The Speaker shall supervise the proceedings but shall not take part in the debates.
The Speaker shall only vote in circumstances where there is a deadlock in the house due to equal opposing and supporting votes on an issue. The speaker’s vote shall be the casting vote.
The Vice-Speaker shall perform the functions of the speaker in the speaker’s absence. The Speaker may also delegate some of his or her functions to the Vice-Speaker.
The Second Deputy Speaker shall act as the Acting Vice-Speaker on occasion of the Vice-Speaker is the Acting Speaker. In the absence of both the Speaker and the Vice-Speaker, the Second Deputy Speaker shall be Acting Speaker.
Senate shall:
the states
the proposals and decisions of the House of Representatives and the Executive.
or approve treaties with foreign countries by a two-thirds vote of senators
or reject the President’s nominations for Cabinet members, Ambassadors and
Federal judges.
review or recommend use grants or money borrowed by the Federal government from
International Financial institutions, taking into account national and states’
The Senate shall be composed of four senators per state -- regardless of state size or population -- directly elected by the people of each state voting as one electorate.
The term for senators shall be six years.
All senators shall be directly elected.
a. The first senate shall be divided into two classes of senators: short-term and long-term.
b. The short-term senators shall be subject to a new election in three years. The long-term senators shall go for re-election in six years.
c. After the first election, all senators shall be subject to election after their six-year terms.
d. Every three years half of the senators shall be subject to election by the states’ electorates, coinciding with elections for House of Representatives.
Whenever a vacancy exists in the senate due to resignation, disability, death or any other reason, a new appointment shall be made by the executive authority of the state that the Senator represented.
The legislature of any state may empower the executive to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancy by election.
A member of the same political party or group as the vacating Senator shall fill the vacancy.
The appointed senator shall hold the office for the remainder of the vacating Senator’s term.
When a senator decides to leave his or her party in favor of another party, or to become an independent
a. He or she shall resign immediately.
b. A by-election shall be held within 60 days to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
c. The senator can contest in the by-election along with others under his or her new party, or as an independent candidate.
Eligible Persons:
To be eligible, for a seat in the Senate one must be:
a. Ugandan citizen for a minimum of 7 years
b. 30 years of age or older
c. Registered and eligible to vote
d. Resident of the state in which he / she shall be chosen
e. A holder of a college degree or its equivalent
f. A diligent tax payer
g. Financially sound with a home, or other verifiable property
Category 1
a. Members of the House of Representatives
a. Members of State Assemblies
b. Public servants, including defense personnel such as army officers etc.
c. Members of the Executive, including Cabinet Ministers
d. Officers of the electoral commission
e. Traditional leaders
Persons in Category 1 have to resign their positions if they wish to be nominated for the House of Representatives.
Category 2
h. Non-citizens
i. Persons with unresolved bankruptcies
j. Persons convicted of criminal offenses
k. The mentally ill
The Senate President
The senate shall before proceeding to dispatch any other business, choose a senator by secret ballot to be the President of the Senate; and as often as the office of the President becomes vacant the Senate shall again choose a senator to be President.
If more than two candidates are nominated for Senate President, rounds of voting shall be conducted until a Senator is elected president.
In case of an unresolved tie after two ballots -- between two candidates nominated for President-- the Clerk of the Senate shall determine by lot which candidate shall be withdrawn.
If only one candidate is proposed for Senate President, that Senator shall become President without a vote being taken.
Until the election is decided, the Clerk of the Senate shall act as Chair of the Senate, and has powers of the President under the standing orders (rules of procedure and debate of the senate).
The Deputy President and Chair
of Committees
The senate shall elect the Deputy President and the Chair of Committees in the same manner as the President.
The Senate President shall:
· Ensure the proper conduct of the business of the Senate
· Interpret standing orders and give rulings when a difference of opinion arises
· Call on senators to speak and maintain order and decorum of the senate
· Ascertain and declare the will of the senate either on voices (the ‘ayes’ or ‘nays’, or as a result of a formal vote
· Be a spokesperson and representative of the senate in dealings with the executive, the House of Representatives, and persons outside Congress.
· Carry out his duties in an impartial manner
In addition, the Senate President shall be responsible for department administrative duties, which shall include:
· Chairing the Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing, which shall determine the budget and oversee the organizational structure for the Department of the Senate
· Seating arrangement in Chamber
· Senators’ room allocations
· Entitlements of senators
· The general operations of the department of the Senate.
The Senate President shall vote in the Senate in order to ensure that equal voting rights of each state are preserved
The Senate President’s vote shall carry the same weight as that of any other senator.
In cases of a tie in the Senate on an issue, the issue shall be resolved in the negative, that is, it shall be lost.
The Deputy President shall:
· Relieve the President of the Senate in the Chair during sittings and perform duties of the President during the President’s absence.
· Preside when the senate is sitting as a committee of the whole senate to consider legislation in detail
· Chair the Senate Standing Committee on Procedure, which shall examine the procedures of the Senate and recommend to the Senate changes in procedures where appropriate.
The Senator President and the Speaker of the House shall jointly administer:
· The Congressional library that shall be responsible for supply of reference and research services
· The Department of Congressional Reporting Staff that shall be responsible for publishing the Hansard and the supply and maintenance of audio visual and information technology to Congress
· The Joint House Department responsible for the physical environment and service facilities within the Congressional building (Parliament building) and its exterior grounds
The President of the Senate and the Speaker shall also chair congressional committees that shall oversee the operation of these departments.
1. A Member of the House or Senate shall introduce a bill for consideration by congress, or
a- The President, a member of cabinet or head of a Federal Agency shall propose legislation.
b- A money bill shall only be introduced by the Minister of Finance, or another member of the executive, and shall be introduced for debate in the House of Representatives. The Senate may propose or agree with amendments on a money bill as on other bills.
2. A bill shall be debated on the floor and then sent to committee for revisions.
3. A Hearing shall be held and a report issued containing the revised bill, the committee’s recommendations and background information.
4. The bill shall be referred to a joint committee composed of members of both the Senate and the House to reconcile differences in similar bills in both chambers.
5. The Revised bill shall be brought before the House and the Senate for approval
6. Members of both Chambers shall vote on the final version of the bill.
7. A bill approved by both the House and Senate shall be sent to the President of the Union.
8. The President may comment on the bill and then sign or veto it.
a- If the President signs the bill, it shall become law.
b- If the President vetoes the bill, it he shall return it together with his objections to the house that originated it for reconsideration.
9. The house shall enter the President’s objections in their journal and proceed to reconsider the bill.
10. If after reconsideration, two-thirds of the House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent together with the objections of the President to the Senate.
11. The Senate shall follow the same procedure to reconsider the bill.
14- If Senate also approves the bill by two- thirds; it shall become law thus overriding the President’s veto.
In all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by voice votes (Yeas and Nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered in the Journal of each House respectively.
If the President does not return the bill within 10 days, the bill automatically becomes a law.
If Congress is adjourned before the 10-day period, the bill is vetoed.
1- a- Once signed by the President, laws shall be given public law numbers and issued in printed form first as slip laws.
b- These laws shall then be bound into Statutes at large
2- Executive agencies shall draft detailed regulations that specify how the laws shall be carried out.
3- New and proposed regulations shall be announced in a Federal Register.
4- Regulations shall be bound into the Code of Federal Regulations, which shall arrange Regulations in force by subject.
5- The Supreme Court and Federal Circuit Courts of Appeal shall interpret laws and regulations when they become an issue in a case.
The Executive Power of the Federal Union of Uganda shall be vested in the President and his Cabinet.
The President shall be:
· The Chief Executive Officer of the nation.
· The Commander in Chief of the Armed forces, and of the State Militia when they are called into service to defend the country.
He shall:
a- Uphold, defend, and respect the Federal constitution
b- Ensure the unity and stability of the nation by protecting, and ensuring respect for the division of powers among the different levels of government as established by the constitution.
Eligible Persons
To be eligible for President, the person shall be;
a- At least 35 years of age
b- A Citizen of Uganda for not less than 15 years
c- A civilian, or retired military person
d- Financially secure
e- Free of a criminal record
f- A graduate, with a minimum of a College degree from an accredited University, or equivalent Tertiary Institution
g- A person in good health
Non- eligible persons
a- Persons with a criminal records
b- Persons convicted of corruption and bribery
c- Traditional Leaders
d- Foreigners
e- Persons in authority that shall have willfully violated their State constitutions.
The people of the States shall directly elect the President through secret ballot. Each State shall be considered one electorate.
The term of Office for the President shall be five years. The President shall not serve more than two terms, or more than ten years.
The President’s term of office begins on assuming office and ends upon a vacancy occurring, or when the next person elected assumes office. The date and month for the beginning of the term of President shall be fixed by law.
If the President elect shall have died before the date fixed for the beginning of the term, the Vice-President elect shall become President.
The President shall:
a- From time to time inform Congress about the State of the Union, and recommend for their consideration such measures as he / she shall judge necessary
a- Develop and ensure the implementation of national policy
b- Coordinate the functions of Ministries and other federal agencies
c- Nominate and with the approval of the Senate, appoint the Cabinet, ambassadors and judges of the Supreme Court, and other federal officers as shall be established by law
d- Make treaties with foreign nations provided that two-thirds of the Senators approve
e- Receive the credentials of foreign ambassadors
f- In accordance with conditions and procedures established by law grant pardon
In case the President is removed from office, resigns or is unable to perform or discharge the duties of the office, the Vice-President shall assume the Office of President
If there is a vacancy in the Office of Vice-President, the President shall nominate a person who shall assume office upon confirmation by the majority votes in both the Senate and the House.
If the President is unable to carry out his duties, he shall inform the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate in writing. Until he/she submits a contrary statement, the Vice-President as Acting President shall hold the powers of the Office of President.
If the Vice-President and the majority of the cabinet members inform the Speaker and the President of the Senate in writing that the President of the Union is unable to do his/her duties, the Vice-President shall immediately assume office as Acting President, until the President sends a contrary written declaration.
If there is a conflict in the declarations of the President and Cabinet on the issue of the President’s fitness, Congress shall meet to decide the issue within 48 hours, or as the law may provide.
In case of the President’s incapacity, resignation or death, the immediate line of succession by order of precedence shall be:
President of the Senate
Speaker of the House
Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
The successor to the President shall serve until the next scheduled elections for President.
If the successor serves two or more years of the departed President’s term, he / she shall be eligible for only one more term as President.
The Cabinet shall consist of the President, Vice-President and the Ministers.
The President shall nominate the Ministers.
All Ministerial appointments shall take effect only after approval by the Senate.
The Cabinet shall not exceed thirty Ministers, including deputies.
There shall be no Prime Minister.
The criteria for the Senate’s decision to approve or deny a nominated cabinet candidate shall include, but may not be limited to:
· Competency for the position
· Character and respect for democratic institutions
· Track record in administrative or business positions
· Educational qualifications
· Criminal record
If a nominee is rejected, the President shall submit another person for nomination.
The cabinet shall:
· Ensure implementation of the government’s policies and plans
· Oversee implementation of laws and decisions adopted by Congress
· Prepare the annual federal budget and present it to Congress
· Act in accordance with the Constitution
· Provide Congress with regular reports concerning their Ministries’ portfolios
Before assuming their positions, the Cabinet shall submit to the Oath of Office affirming obedience and faithfulness to the Constitution.
Finance, Planning and Economic development
Science and Technology
Health and Social welfare
Industry and Commerce
Environment and National Resources
Housing and Urban Development
Public works and Infrastructure
Justice and Constitutional Affairs
Foreign Affairs
National Security -- National Police, Intelligence agencies etc.
1- a. Only Ministries specified in the Ministries list shall by exist by law.
b. No Ministry, agency or organization -- civilian or military-- shall be established without a statute approved by three-fourths of both houses of Congress.
c. A new agency’s regulations and its qualifications of its senior management must be established, examined and approved by congress.
2- No Ministry or agency shall infringe on the division of powers between the Federal Government, the States and Local Governments as set by the Constitution.
3- In keeping with the federal nature of the union, there shall be no Central (Federal) Ministry in charge of Local Government.
4- Federal Ministries shall oversee implementation of government policies through coordination with the States’ authorities.
5- Responsibility for policy implementation at local levels shall be the responsibility of Local and State officials, as law shall provide.
The President, Vice-President, and any Cabinet Minister of the Federal Union shall be removed from office by Impeachment if the House of Representatives votes to impeach, and the senate convicts them for corruption, bribery, Treason or other crimes ithat may include exceeding constitutional bounds of power.
1- One – fourth of the members of the House of Representatives shall propose a motion to impeach.
2-The House Judiciary Committee shall decide whether or not to proceed with impeachment, if they do:
3-The Chairman of the Judiciary committee shall propose a Resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment.
4-Based on their inquiry, the Judiciary committee shall send another Resolution to the full house stating that:
a- Impeachment is warranted and why (The Articles of Impeachment) or
b- That Impeachment is not called for.
5- The Full house operating under rules set by the Rules Committee shall debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.
6- If any of the Articles of impeachment shall be approved by a simple majority, the President shall be impeached and the case sent to the Senate for trial.
1- The Senate shall receive the Articles of Impeachment from the House of Representatives.
2- The Senate shall formulate rules and procedures for holding a trial.
3- The trial shall be held; the President shall be represented by his or her lawyers.
4- A select group of House members shall serve as prosecutors.
5- The Chief Justice of the Union shall preside with all 78 Senators serving as the jury.
6- The Senate shall meet in private session to debate a verdict.
7- The Senate, in open session, shall meet and vote on a verdict, a two-third vote in the Senate shall result in a conviction.
8- The Senate shall vote to remove the President from office.
9- The senate may also vote (by a simple majority) to prohibit the President from holding any public office in the future.
10- The conviction shall not extend beyond removal from office.
The Judicial
power of the Union shall be entrusted to the Judiciary.
Its roles shall
be to:
Administer justice
Interpret the constitution
Ensure that the provisions of the Federal and State
Constitutions are upheld
(1) The
judicial authority of the Union shall be vested in the courts.
(2) There shall
be a parallel court system at the federal and state levels
(3) The Federal
Courts shall handle Federal issues,
(4) The 13 States’ courts shall handle
local issues
(5) The courts shall be independent and subject only to the Constitution and
the law.
(6) No person or organ of state may
interfere with the functioning of the courts.
(7) Organs of state, through legislative and other measures, must assist and
protect the courts to ensure the
independence, impartiality, dignity, accessibility and effectiveness of the
(8) An order or decision issued by a court shall bind all persons to whom and
organs of state to which it applies.
The Federal courts shall be divided into three
levels. The details of the jurisdiction of each level shall be established by
legislation in Congress.
This shall be the lowest judicial level at both
federal and State levels.
Circuit one, Kampala: shall
have Jurisdiction over federal cases in Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono districts
Circuit two, Mbale: shall
have jurisdiction over federal cases in the Eastern region, and Lango
Circuit three, Gulu: shall
have jurisdiction over Northern Uganda, minus Lango
Circuit Four, Mbarara: shall
have jurisdiction over Western Uganda
Circuit Five, Masaka: shall
have jurisdiction over Buganda minus, Wakiso and Mukono districts
The Federal Supreme Court shall be the highest court in the land. It shall consist of nine Justices of high moral standing of whom one shall be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court shall:
a- Deal with cases involving constitutional interpretation
b- Handle appeals against decisions of circuit courts two through five
c- Deal with appeals against decisions of the Supreme Courts of States
There shall be no automatic right to have an appeal heard by the Supreme Court.
Parties that wish to appeal must persuade the Court in a preliminary hearing that there are special reasons to cause the appeal to heard
Decisions of the Federal Supreme Court shall be final; no further appeals shall be made once the Federal Supreme Court has decided a matter.
The decision of the Federal Supreme court shall be binding on all other courts in Uganda.
Federal Supreme
Court justices, court of appeals judges, and magistrates shall be nominated by
the President, on the advice of the Judicial Service Commission and
confirmation by the Senate.
The Judicial
Service Commission shall nominate three names for each position and submit them
to the President.
The President
shall choose one name and submit it to the Senate for approval
The Senate
Judiciary Committee shall conduct confirmation hearings to establish the
nominee’s competence and fitness for the court.
The full Senate
shall vote to approve or reject a nominee.
If the Senate
rejects the nominee, the President shall submit one of the remaining two names.
The process
shall be repeated until one person is approved.
The states
shall have similar appointment processes.
The Justices
and judges shall hold office until retirement.
A judge may be removed from office only if the Judicial Service
Commission finds that the judge suffers
from incapacity or is guilty of gross misconduct. The decision shall be subject
to review by the Senate’s Judiciary committee.
No judge shall
be removed from office by virtue of decision taken, or opinion rendered in
The salaries,
allowances and benefits of judges may not be reduced.
The Federal
courts’ budgets shall be financed directly from the Consolidated fund.
To finance
their day-to-day operations, the courts may retain a percentage, or all, of the
fines and fees collected in the process of administering justice.
The details and
use of such revenue shall be established by statute.
The judicial Service Commission shall consist of:
(a) The Chief Justice, who shall
preside at meetings of the Commission;
(b) A Judge appointed by Circuit court judges;
(c) the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
(d) Two practicing
advocates nominated from within the Uganda Law Society, and appointed by the
(e) A Professor, or an
instructor of law recommended to the President by an established association of
legal instructors at Ugandan Universities.
Judicial Service Commission shall:
a. Advise
the federal government, and on request, the State governments, on any matter
relating to the judiciary or the administration of justice
Exercise the powers and functions assigned to it in the Constitution and
congressional legislation.
The thirteen States’ Authorities shall exercise Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Powers in accordance with both the Federal and State Constitutions.
The Supreme Court, or Federal courts
shall, where necessary, adjudicate on controversies between two or more
states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of
different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under
grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and
foreign states, citizens or subjects.
The trial of all crimes, except in cases
of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state
where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within
any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the national
legislature may by law have directed.
Powers not delegated to the Federal
government (Central government) by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to
the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Relationships between States (parts borrowed from Article IV, U.S. Constitution)
Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be
given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of
every other state. And the national legislature may by general laws prescribe
the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and
the effect thereof.
Section 2. The citizens of each state
shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several
A person charged in any state with
treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in
another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from
which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction
of the crime.
No new states shall be formed or erected
within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the
junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the
legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.
The Federal government shall protect each
state against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the
executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
The Attorney General shall ensure that
Federal laws are enforced uniformly throughout the nation. The Attorney General
and a National Police agency may in special cases investigate crimes that have
national implications, even when they fall under state jurisdiction.
During the transitory period -- not exceeding five years -- the States shall set up their administrative procedures and infrastructure, and enact their constitutions.
The States Constitutions shall be consistent with the fundamental human rights and principles set out in the Federal Constitution.
The federal government shall assist the States in setting up their State Administrative Systems and Infrastructures.
The federal government shall, during the transitory period, direct the bulk of its financial resources -- including those from International Finance Institutions -- to assisting the States to prepare for the transition.
Assistance shall include uniform training of the states’ personnel that shall be charged with revenue collection, planning and service delivery.
Special assistance shall be given to economically disadvantaged states.
The federal government shall increase investment in infrastructure such as interstate roads, telecommunications systems, and electricity.
Regional administrative infrastructure used by local governments shall be transferred to State and Local jurisdictions, or as may be negotiated.
The pre-election nomination processes of candidates for State Governor may differ substantially from state to state.
States with Constitutional Monarchs shall choose their candidates through a process that MAY include formal approval, though not appointment, of the nominees by the Monarch, through his Advisory Council.
1-The political parties, or Independent candidates shall submit names to the State Senate’s screening committee which shall as much as possible have equal numbers of major political parties’ representatives.
2- The committee shall interview the candidates and check their backgrounds
3- Members of the committee shall vote and recommend three or four names to an Advisory Committee of Eminent Persons chaired by the Monarch.
The Monarch’s advisory committee shall be balanced, with equal numbers of members of the major religions.
4- The Advisory committee shall interview the candidates.
5- The Monarch shall express his views in a private session, but shall not vote.
6- The Advisory Committee shall vote to eliminate one or two names depending on whether three or four names are presented.
7- The two selected candidates shall then canvass the State to convey their ideas to the electorate.
8- The electorate shall vote for one of the two candidates.
9- The Candidate shall assume the Office of Governor, or Katikiro, etc.
Incumbent Governors shall not be subject to the nomination process, but challengers shall.
· Understanding of the spoken and written language of the State
· Appreciation, understanding of, and respect for, the history, culture, and institutions of the State
· Clear vision and plans for the State
· Residency in the State for no less than 10 years; this requirement may be waived, if the person was born and raised in the State.
· Educational Qualifications
· Track Record in administrative, academic, or business endeavors
· Character, and lack of criminal records
The states’ governors and other elected
officials shall be answerable only to the electorates and the legislatures of
their states.
Only the states’ electorates through
elections, or the state legislatures, through impeachment, shall remove or
censure the state governors.
In order to engender trust between the
Federal government and State economic relations:
All state and district budgets,
allocations and expenditures shall be published and made available to the
public for examination. The state departments shall be subject to State and
Federal Audits at least once a year: one federal and one state.
State governors shall address state
residents once at the beginning of each year to highlight the past years
achievements, explain failures and challenges, and point to the next year
The State Controllers shall be
independent elected officials who shall be in charge of state budgets, auditing
state accounts and explaining the allocation and use of state revenues.
The State Controllers shall read State budgets to the legislature and the media once a year, and shall give quarterly accounts of the states’ financial condition to finance committees within the state legislatures and to the governors.
All state bureaucrats, appointees, and
state civil service employees shall be answerable only to the states’ elected
State bureaucrats shall collaborate with
federal bureaucrats in the implementation of statutory federal objectives.
State Officials shall strictly adhere to
Conflict of Interest regulations as determined by both the National and State
legislature, and shall be subject to censure and removal from office for
violating them.
The States’ Cabinets shall mirror the Federal Cabinet with Ministers responsible for various departments subject to approval by the State Senates.
Their roles, functions and reporting requirements shall be similar to the federal government’s Cabinet roles, functions and reporting requirements.
The individual States shall independently determine their cabinets’ qualifications.
The State Ministries shall mirror the Federal government Ministries except that their jurisdiction shall be limited to their states.
Their functions shall be governed by the list of exclusive and concurrent powers between the Local, State and the Federal Governments.
Unlike the Federal Government, the States shall have a Ministry of Local Government to deal with Local Government issues and to coordinate the implementation of other State Ministries’ efforts at the Local Government level.
Individual states shall according to their needs and interests adopt either Bicameral (the Senate and the House) or Unicameral legislatures.
Multi-ethnic States, and States with powerful cultural interests, shall adopt bicameral legislatures.
The demarcation of powers, rights and processes as established by the Federal government shall, with some modification, also apply to the organization of the States’ Executive, Legislative and Judicial departments.
The legislatures of multi-ethnic States shall mirror Congress, that is, they shall have a House of Representatives and a Senate.
The Houses of Representatives shall be elected directly through constituencies that may, or may not mirror the Federal Constituencies.
Candidates for the States’ Houses of Representatives shall either be nominated by Parties, or, in case of Independent Candidates, by cross-sections of the States’ electorates as shall be established by law.
The States’ Senates shall:
· Represent the States’ cultural interests
· Reserve block seats for resident minority ethnic groups that meet a threshold number-- 100,000, 50,000 or lower, depending on a state’s overall population.
· In states made up of various ethnic districts or territories, have equal senate seats for each of the ethnic districts or territories.2
The methodology and criteria for election of the States’ Senates shall be determined by the individual State conventions.
Unicameral legislature election procedures shall be similar to the elections of the House of Representatives in the bicameral states.
The state legislatures may make and pass state laws in accordance with state values and experience as long as the said laws are not in conflict with the National Constitution and fundamental Human Rights.
All voting age persons in the State, regardless of Ethnic origin, that shall meet residency criteria, as established and published by the State legislatures, shall vote for State Governors and House of Representative members.
Election mechanisms for the states’ Senate seats shall be determined by the individual states in accordance with their constitutions and the Principles of Human Rights outlined in the Federal Constitution.
The Local government structures, taxation powers, and authorities set up under the 1995 Constitution shall stay with some modifications:
· Local Governments shall report to the States’ Ministries of Local Government
· There shall be no Central Government Ministry or agency in charge of Local Government
· There shall be no Central Government Representatives, (RDCs)
· Organization and creation of Local government districts shall be a State matter
· The states may choose to name Local governments differently due to cultural factors
The state and local governments shall
have the power to hire and fire their officials without interference from the
central government.
The states and local governments shall have the freedom to hire personnel for their local administration from any other state.
Financial arrangements in the Federal Union shall ensure that the Federal Government and the States match responsibilities with resources.
Federal, State and Local governments shall have the ability to raise taxes for which accountability shall be strictly required.
1- The Federal Government and the States shall separately meet the expenditures resulting from the discharge of their respective tasks
2- a. Where the States act as agents of the Federal Government, the Federal Government shall meet the resulting expenditure.
3- Federal Statutes to be executed by the States and granting money payments may make provision for such payments to be met wholly or in part by the Federal Government.
4- a. Where any such statute provides that the Federal Government shall meet one half of the expenditure or more, it shall be implemented by the States as agents of the Federal Government
b. Where any such statute provides that the States shall meet one quarter of the expenditure or more, it shall require the consent of the Federal Senate.
5- a. The Federal government may grant the States financial assistance for particularly important investments by the States, provided that such investments are necessary to avert a disturbance of overall economic equilibrium or to equalize differences of economic capacities within the Union, or to promote economic growth.
b. Details, especially concerning the kinds of investments to be promoted, shall be regulated by a federal statute requiring consent of the Federal Senate, or by administrative arrangements under the Federal budget law.
6- The Federal Government and the States shall meet the administrative expenditure incurred by their respective authorities and shall be responsible to each other for ensuring proper administration.
1) The Federal Government has the exclusive power to legislate on customs and fiscal monopolies.
2) The Federal Government shall have concurrent power to legislate on all other taxes the revenue from which accrues to it wholly or in part.
3) The States shall have power to legislate on local excise taxes as long and insofar as they are not identical with taxes imposed by federal legislation.
4) Federal laws relating to taxes the yield of which accrues in whole or in part to the States or districts require the consent of the Federal Senate.
State and Local governments shall have the ability to raise taxes to meet their
administrative, social, economic, and development responsibilities.
collection shall be either shared (concurrent), or Exclusive.
Revenue Authorities shall collect federal taxes, while State and Local Revenue
Authorities shall collect State and Local taxes.
Authorities and the Federal Revenue Authorities may, with approval of the
Federal Senate and the concerned State legislatures, establish Joint Revenue
Authorities within the States to administer the collection of State and Federal
Federal Government and the States shall jointly finance the Joint Revenue
Authorities so established; half of the financing coming from the Federal
Government and half coming from the States.
States shall appoint the most Senior Administrative Officials of the Joint
Revenue Authorities.
Federal Ministry of Finance shall assign experts from the Federal Revenue
Authority to the Joint Revenue Authorities.
No state
shall be compelled to establish a Joint Revenue Authority, and any State may
opt out of a Joint Revenue Authority.
Federal Government and the States shall share the following taxes:
a) Personal Income Tax (PIT), Federal
Government 35%, States 65% (Germany)
Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Federal Government, 35%, States 65% (Germany)
c) Value Added Tax (VAT), also called the Retail Sales Tax
Tobacco Tax
Gasoline Tax
f) Fuel Tax - this and the gasoline tax
g) Mining Tax
Capital gains tax, 50% inclusion rate
i) Excise taxes
j) Alcohol taxes
k) Levies on gambling establishments
The Ratio of distribution of Corporate and Personal Income Tax, should only be modified -- on the advice of a special Federal-State Finance board (Exchequer board)-- by a Federal law requiring the consent of the Federal Senate:
a. Whenever the growth of the relation of revenues to expenditures in the Federal government differs from that in the States, and
b. Whenever the budgetary needs of Federal Government or those of the States exceed the estimated revenues by a margin substantial enough to call for a corresponding adjustment in of the ratio of apportionment in favor of either the Federal Government or the States.
Any such adjustment shall be based on the following principles:
1- The Federal Government and the States shall each bear the expenditures resulting from the administration of their respective tasks.
2- There shall be equality of rank between the claim of the Federal government and the claim of the States to have their respective necessary expenditures covered from ordinary revenues;
3- The requirements of the Federal Government and of the States in respect of budget coverage shall be coordinated in such a way that fair equalization is achieved, any overburdening of taxpayers precluded, and uniformity of living standards in the Federal territory ensured.
4- If a Federal law Imposes additional expenditures on, or withdraws revenues from the States, the ratio of apportionment of the income and corporation taxes shall be modified in favor of the States, provided the conditions in paragraph b have developed.
5- If the additional burden placed upon the States is limited to a period of short duration, such burden may be compensated by grants from the Federal Government under a Federal law requiring the consent of the Senate and which shall lay down the principles for assessing the amounts of such grants and for distributing them among the States.
6- a. If the Federal government establishes special institutions in the States which cause immediate higher expenditures or lower receipts to those States, the Federal Government shall grant the necessary financial equalization, if and insofar as it is anticipated that the States are unable to bear these special burdens.
b. Compensation by a third party and financial advantages, which accrue to these States as a consequence of these institutions, shall be considered in such equalization.
The receipts of the States from income tax and corporation tax shall accrue to the Local Governments in a percentage to be determined by State legislation.
Furthermore, the States’ legislation shall
determine whether, and how much of, the overall receipts of State taxes shall
accrue to Local Governments.
The federal government shall collect all Equalization taxes and redistribute the revenue among the states according to the formulas set by law.
The Lower Local governments including Municipalities, Districts and Counties shall collect the following taxes:
Property Taxes
Business taxes
Market taxes
Taxi Parks
Trading Licenses
Housing Estates
1- The Federal Government and the States shall be autonomous and independent of each other in their budget management.
2- The Federal Government and the States shall have due regard in their budget management to the to the requirements of overall economic equilibrium.
3- Through federal legislation requiring the consent of the Senate, principles applicable to both the Federal Government and the States may be established governing budgetary law, responsiveness of budget management to economic trends, and financial planning to cover several years ahead.
4- With a view to averting disturbances of the overall economic equilibrium, federal legislation requiring the consent of the Senate may be enacted providing for:
obligation on the part of the Federal Government and the States to maintain
interest-free deposits at the Bank of Uganda (reserves for counterbalancing
economic trends).
to issue the relevant ordinances may be conferred to the Federal Government
· Such ordinances shall require the consent the Senate. They shall be repealed insofar as Congress demands; details shall be regulated by federal legislation.
(1) All revenues and expenditures of the Federal Government shall be included in the budget; in respect of federal enterprises and special assets, allocations thereto or remittances there from need be included. The budget shall be balanced as regards revenue and expenditure.
(2) The budget shall be laid down in a statute covering one year or several fiscal years separately before the beginning of the first of those fiscal years. Provision may be made for parts of the budget to apply to periods of different duration, but divided into fiscal years.
(3) Bills within the meaning of the first sentence of paragraph (2) of this Article as well as bills to amend the budget statute and the budget be submitted simultaneously to the Senate and to the House of Representatives; the Senate shall be entitled to state its position on such bills within weeks or, in the case of amending bills, within three weeks. (4) The budget statute may contain only such provisions as apply to revenues and expenditures of the Federal government and to the period for which the budget statute is being enacted.
(5) These provisions shall cease to apply only upon the promulgation of the next budget statute
(1) If, by the end of a fiscal year, the budget for the following year has not been established by a law, the Federal Government may, until such law comes into force, make all payments which are necessary: (a) to maintain institutions existing by law and to carry out measures authorized by law; (b) to meet legal obligations of the Federation; (c) to continue building projects, procurements and other services or to continue the grant of subsidies for these purposes, provided amounts have already been authorized in the budget of a previous year.
(2) Insofar as revenues provided by special legislation and derived from taxes, levies, or other sources, or the working capital reserves, do not cover the expenditures set forth in paragraph 1, the Federal Government may borrow the funds necessary for the conduct of current operations to a maximum of one quarter of the total amount of the previous budget.
Expenditures in excess of budgetary appropriations and extra budgetary expenditures shall require the consent of the Federal Minister of Finance. Such consent may be given only in the case of an unforeseen and compelling necessity. Details may be regulated by federal legislation.
(1) Statutes increasing the budget expenditures proposed by the Federal Government or involving or likely in future to cause new expenditures shall require the consent of the Federal Government. This shall also apply to statutes involving or likely in future to cause decreases in revenue. The Federal Government may demand that the House of Representatives postpone vote on such bills. In this case the Federal Government shall state its position to the House of Representatives within six weeks.
(2) Within four weeks after Congress has adopted such a bill, Federal Government may demand that it votes on that bill again. (3) Where the bill has become a statute pursuant after the consent of the senate, the Federal Government may withhold its consent only within six weeks and only after having initiated the procedure provided for in the third and fourth sentences of paragraph (I) or in paragraph (2) of the present Article. Upon the expiry of this period such consent shall be deemed to have been given.
(1) The Federal Minister of Finance shall, on behalf of the Federal Government, submit annually to the Congress an account, covering the preceding fiscal year, of revenues and expenditures as well as of property and debt.
(2) The Federal Audit Office, the members of which shall enjoy judicial independence, shall audit the account and examine the management of the budget and the conduct of business as to economy and correctness. The Federal Audit Office shall submit an annual report directly to Federal Government as well as to the House of Representatives and to the Senate. In all other respects the powers of the Federal Audit Office shall regulated by federal legislation.
(1) The borrowing of funds and the assumption of pledges, guarantee or other commitments, as a result of which expenditure may be incurred in future fiscal years, shall require federal legislative authorization indicating, or permitting computation of, the maximum amount involved. Revenue obtained by borrowing shall not exceed the total expenditures for investments provided for in the budget; exceptions shall be permissible only to avert a disturbance of the overall economic equilibrium. Details shall be regulated by federal legislation.
(2) In respect of special assets of the Federal government, exceptions to the provisions of paragraph (I) of this Article may be authorized by federal legislation.
1-There shall be an independent non-partisan
Financial Equalization and Review Board, or Exchequer Board, comprising of 18
financial, economic and business experts with non-renewable 8-year staggered
State governors shall each recommend two persons
to the President from their States.
The president shall nominate five people
including the head of the Board plus one person per state from the names
recommended by the Governors.
The President’s nominations shall be subject to
Senate approval.
The Financial Equalization and Review Board’s
duties shall include:
a) Examining
state fiscal capacities and recommending adjustments to national equalization
formulas to take into account changing realities.
b) Examining
the impact of federal spending policies on states, with a goal of maintaining
fairness and economic competitiveness among the states.
Ensuring that the tax burden for the average resident of the Union and for
businesses is not so burdensome that it discourages entrepreneurship,
investment, and tax honesty.
Recommending new revenue sources, or improvements to tax collection strategies
to improve revenue yields both for the Federal Government and for the States.
Holding yearly hearings of Senior State revenue officials to assess the
effectiveness of their revenue raising efforts, and where necessary make recommendations
for improvement.
The Federal Financial Equalization and
Review Board shall be an advisory body only, with no implementation powers.
States shall ensure that disparities among districts are minimized through
their own equalization formulas.
State Financial and Review Boards shall:
policies, rules and manuals governing local tax assessment practices
assessment officials
appeals against real property valuation decisions (valuations of land and any
buildings on that land, including houses) by a District or County Board.
Review and
hear appeals regarding central assessment of public utility companies
applications for religious, charitable, and related property tax exemptions
taxable property of a public service entity
adjusted valuation of school districts for purposes of determining state aid to
Advice the
State authorities on adjusting equalization formulas
The State Financial Equalization and Review board shall have the
power and duty to hear and determine appeals of decisions of Property Tax
The Board shall have the power to issue orders of compliance with
its orders.
The Board Commissioners shall be appointed by the Governor subject
to State Senate Approval.
There shall be one board member for each district. And three
members appointed by the Governor.
The Federal Electoral Commission shall be an independent agency of
the Federal Government.
shall consist of eight members appointed by the President. All eight members
shall require confirmation by the Senate.
member shall serve one eight-year term. Two seats shall be subject to
appointment every four years.
commissioners should be a diverse group of accomplished individuals with varied
backgrounds including law, Accounting and Finance, Education, Political Science
and Sociology.
more than four Commissioners shall be members of the same political party, and
at least five votes shall be required for any official Commission action.
President shall indicate to the Senate whom among the nominees shall be the
Chairperson. The Vice-Chair person position shall rotate among the
commissioners every year with no member serving as Vice-Chairperson more than
once during his / her term.
Chairperson shall be responsible for the overall integrity, management and
administration of the Commission.
The Vice-Chairperson shall be responsible
a- Introducing or implementing new
initiatives with majority approval of the rest of the commissioners.
b- Reviewing and improving on electoral
· People of integrity
· Independent thinkers
· Ugandan citizens
· No criminal records
· Competence
The Chairperson should preferably be a lawyer
of proven ability and integrity qualified to be appointed a judge of the high
Electoral Commission shall:
· Manage Federal and State Electoral processes
· Enforce electoral law
· Recruit and train electoral staff
· Conduct voter and candidate education
· Contract voting stations
Procure and distribute
electoral materials and equipment
Continuously update the
voter’s role database, linked to a national birth and death Records database.
· Manage and regularly backed up a computerized national voters’ register.
· Publish the voters’ role several months before elections
· Ensure that voters cross-check their details in the register
· Administer the public funding program.
· Facilitate financial and donor disclosure
The Electoral Commission shall be organized into various departments:
1- Voter Registration
2- Voter Education
3- Administration
4- Public Funding and Campaign Finance
5- Legal and Compliance
6- Electronic Database / Information Technology Department
To limit overdue individual or special interest influence on a candidate or party, the Electoral Commission shall enforce contribution limits established by congress.
The Electoral Commission shall require candidates’ election committees’ and
parties to:
· File periodic reports disclosing the money they raise and spend.
· Identify all groups that give them contributions
· Identify individuals who give them more than $200 in a year.
· Disclose expenditures exceeding the equivalent of $200 per year to any individual or vendor.
following groups shall be prohibited from making contributions to influence
federal elections:
addition no one
· Shall a make a contribution in another person's name.
· No person may make cash contribution of more than the equivalent of $100.
individual or group shall be allowed to make unlimited independent expenditures
in connection with federal elections.
independent expenditure shall be an expenditure made for a communication or
advertisement which advocates for the election or defeat of a clearly
identified candidate made independent of the candidate’s campaign.
qualify as an independent expenditure, the communication shall not be made with
cooperation, consent, request or suggestion of either the candidate or his campaign.
making independent expenditures shall put a notice on the communication stating
that they have paid for it and that it has not been authorized by any
independent expenditure may not use any material prepared by the candidate or
campaign in the communication.
making independent expenditures shall be required by law to report them to the
electoral commission, and disclose the sources of the funds they use.
Presidential candidates that qualify for public funding shall receive federal government funds charged on the consolidated fund but managed by the Electoral Commission.
funds shall pay for valid expenses of their political campaigns in both the
primary and general elections and shall be subject to expenditure limits set by
political parties shall also receive federal money for their national
nominating conventions.
To be
eligible for public funds, a Presidential candidate or a party delegates
conference must first submit a letter of agreement and a written certification
in which the candidate or committee agrees to:
A loan to a candidate shall be subject to the same contribution limits as a gift of money.
Repayments on the loan shall reduce the outstanding amount of the contribution.
Once a loan is repaid in full a loan shall no longer count against the lender’s contribution limit.
A loan that exceeds the limit shall be unlawful even if it shall be repaid in full.
contributions shall be accepted for a special account maintained exclusively to
pay for legal and accounting expenses associated with complying with the
campaign finance law.
legal and accounting expenses shall not be subject to the expenditure limits.
amount of public funding to which a small party candidate is entitled
shall be based on the ratio of the party's popular vote in the preceding
Presidential election to the average popular vote of the two major party
candidates in that election.
A new party candidate shall receive partial public funding after the election if he/she receives 5 percent or more of the vote.
Commission shall require candidates and Party committees to repay public funds
to the Federal Treasury when the Electoral Commission audit determines that:
and House of Representatives candidates shall be elected by Majority Vote.
Federal Senate candidates shall be elected by the proportional Representation.
Majority or proportional Representation systems to be used shall be established
and fixed by congress.
states and or their Local government agents shall maintain the local portion of
a national database of registered voters with links to a separate National
Citizen, Birth and Death Database.
states shall issue photo identification cards to voting age residents.
identity card shall have a unique private number.
The Electoral Commission shall ensure that identification numbers of all registered voters are in the national databases.
Voters must show their local and national identification cards at the voting locations
The names of voters, and their private identification numbers shall be marked off the voters’ list.
The status, ‘voted’ and who voted for shall be entered immediately in the national eligible voter database in presence of party agents.
Voting for all National political positions in
an election year shall take place on the last Monday in August.
Voting day shall be a national holiday.
Violence, intimidation, and barring of
candidates from addressing the electorate shall be criminal offenses.
The candidates and parties shall be responsible
for educating and restraining their supporters from violence and intimidation
against rival candidates.
The local constituency results of a candidate
whose supporters are charged with intimidation, fraud or electoral violence
shall be disqualified.
Electoral Fraud shall be a criminal offense
subject to imprisonment.
Only local police shall be authorized to
maintain order during the elections.
Any Army or paramilitary involvement shall
render the local election results in a constituency void.
Widespread reports of electoral abuses by a
Presidential candidate’s supporters nationwide shall disqualify that candidate.
The Armed Forces shall be national institutions loyal to the Constitution and to the people of the Federal Union of Uganda.
The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces shall be the President of the Federal Union of Uganda.
The Cabinet member in Charge of the Armed Forces shall be the Minister of Defense. Both the President and the Minister of Defense shall be civilians.
The role of the armed forces shall be to defend the Federal Union from external threats; and to represent the country in special peacekeeping missions abroad that are officially requested by the international community, and approved by the Congress.
The Army, Marines and Air force shall be a small combined professional force supplemented by well-trained State Militias in times of war.
Congress shall have the sole power to declare war, and to raise taxes to fund the military.
Internal Security, intelligence and policing shall strictly be a function of the police.
The army shall be deployed internally with a two-thirds votes approval vote of all members of Congress in case of a civil war that the local police force, the National Police or the resident state militia cannot contain.
The Armed Forces shall
be politically neutral and shall not be deployed to campaign for any candidate.
No serving military person shall be eligible
to run for any political office, or to serve in Congress.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff shall represent the Armed Forces interests in briefings to the Civilian leaders and to the Congress. .
The Joint Chiefs of Staff consisting of the Most Senior Military officers of all the branches of the armed forces shall advise the President and the Secretary of Defense on the needs of the armed forces.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall also report directly to Congress on the state and needs of the armed forces.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff shall ensure that the armed forces are empowered with the highest levels of readiness, professionalism and that they work together in a coordinated and effective way.
addition to the Chairperson, and Vice-Chairperson who shall be appointed by the
President, the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall include the Chief of Staff of the
Army, Chief of Staff or the Air Force, and Commandant of the Marines.
Chairperson shall be chosen from any of the armed forces divisions.
With the advice of the Minister of Defense, the President shall appoint the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who shall be subject to approval by the Senate.
President shall appoint an officer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
only if the officer has served as -
the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; or
(B) the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the
Chief of Staff of the Air Force, or the Commandant of the Marine Corps; or
commander of a unified or specified combatant command.
Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff shall serve at the pleasure of the
President for a term of two years. An officer serving as Chairperson may be
reappointed in the same manner for two additional terms. In times of war,
exceptions may me made with the approval of Congress.
Chairperson, while so serving, holds the grade of general or, in the case of an
officer of the Navy, admiral and outranks all other officers of the armed
forces. However, he may not exercise military command over the Joint Chiefs of
Staff or any of the armed forces.
There shall be a Joint
Staff under the Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Staff shall
assist the Chairperson and, subject to the authority, direction, and control of
the Chairperson, the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in carrying out
their responsibilities
Joint Staff shall be composed of all members of the armed forces and civilian
employees assigned to permanent duty in the executive part of the Department of
Defense to perform the functions and duties prescribed for the Joint Chiefs of
Staff’s department.
Joint Staff shall not include members of the armed forces or civilian employees
assigned to permanent duty in a military department.
Minister of Defense shall ensure that the Joint Staff is independently
organized and operated so that the Joint Staff supports the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff’s mission to provide for:
1- for the
unified strategic direction of the combatant forces;
2- for their operation under unified command; and
3- for their integration into an efficient
team of land, naval, and air forces.
Selection of officers of an armed force to serve on the Joint
Staff shall be made by the Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from a list
of officers submitted by the Secretary of the military department having
jurisdiction over that armed force.
Each officer whose name is submitted shall be among those officers
considered to be the most outstanding officers of that armed force. The
Chairperson may specify the number of officers to be included on any such list.
of the armed forces assigned to serve on the Joint Staff shall be selected by
the Chairperson in approximately equal numbers from -
(A) the Army;
(B) the Marine Corps, or Navy; and
(C) the Air Force.
shall by law establish the Number, nature and strength of the armed forces.
Minister of Defense shall indicate all military expenditures and account for
the amounts allocated to personnel, training, welfare and equipment in the
Ministry’s annual budget presented to Congress.
Minister shall ensure that the living conditions and remuneration of military
personnel are adequate.
shall audit, question and investigate military’s operations. It shall have the
power to summon the Minister of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and any person to testify on military related matters.
Recruitment of Military Personnel shall follow established military rules and
recruitment boards shall be diverse, balanced and representative of a
cross-section of Uganda’s major ethnic groups.
Joint Chiefs of Staff shall annually inform Congress of the size of the armed
forces, and its recruitment needs.
Quotas for each State shall be established, announced and published.
Recruitment exercise shall be decentralized and carried out by State Recruitment
O’level, 3 credits
criminal record
mental disease
Promotions shall be done by the relevant military unit’s Promotions Board following set criteria.
The Promotions board shall be presided over by a general officer and shall consist of a diverse set of officers in a grade senior to that of those being considered for promotion.
The board membership shall review the entire performance portion of the official record of every officer being considered for promotion.
The promotions board shall do its work independently of any person, or authority.
Promotions outside of the set channels and procedures shall be illegal.
and budgetary constraints shall dictate the number which may be selected for
promotion to each grade.
Secretaries of the Army, Marines and Air force shall in their Memoranda of
Instructions, establish limits on the number of officers to be selected.
board shall consider all officers eligible for promotion consideration, but it
may only select a number within established selection constraints.
Officers not selected for promotion
shall not be precluded from future consideration.
The Chair of the Promotions Board shall sign off on any promotions, along with two other officers on the Promotions Board.
The Promotions shall as much as possible ensure that the military leadership is balanced to reflect the ethnic composition of the Federal Union.
The Military Commanders shall ensure that all new recruits receive a publication containing the criteria for promotion based on an objective point system.
Minimum promotion points in specialty qualifications, mission performance, civil and military schooling, physical profile and time in service shall be clearly outlined and explained in the promotions publication.
A military person that fails to be promoted by set
time frames shall be released from the service.
A person with more than six years of service, so
released shall receive severance pay.
Boards chaired by the respective military unit commanders shall independently
select the candidates for training.
There shall be State Militias that shall constitute the Army Reserve Force. Their number, funding and military equipment shall be established and regulated by Congress.
Congress shall assign the numbers of Militia personnel to the states in proportion to their population.
The States shall select the officers of the
state militias while the professional standards of state militia officers and
the nature of their weapons shall be determined by the Chiefs of the Army,
Marines and the Air force, subject to approval of Congress.
The Militias shall be organized like army units and shall be inspected by Regular Army Officers.
The Militias shall do annual training and at least 24 military drills. They shall be paid for the training and the drills.
The Militia members shall also be allowed to attend army schools.
There shall be a bureau in charge of administering state militias’ affairs at the federal level under the Ministry of Defense. This bureau shall be in charge of procuring state militias’ military equipment, as approved by Congress.
than State militias, no paramilitary forces shall be legal. No military
organization shall be created without the consent of Congress.
The States and Local Governments shall have
independent police departments responsible for Local and State Policing.
There shall be a National Police agency that
shall assist State Police Forces on request.
The National Police Agency shall in coordination
with state police departments investigate interstate crimes, Corruption, Fraud
and organized crime networks.
The National Police Agency shall conduct
background investigations on prospective government employees and candidates
for high office.
The National Police Agency shall include
University or Tertiary graduates of Accounting and Finance that shall be
responsible for investing corruption and Fraud.
The National Police Agency shall be an
independent agency under the Ministry of Justice and shall be responsible for
all national intelligence.
The Attorney General shall ensure that Federal laws are enforced uniformly throughout the nation. The Attorney General and a National Police agency may in special cases investigate crimes that have national implications, even when they fall under state jurisdiction.
The National Police Agency shall keep a National
Criminal Identification Databases of Finger print and DNA indices.
Citizenship, and or Local residence
O’level education, 3 credits
Minimum eyesight of 20/100 correctable to 20/40 in both eyes.
No color blindness
No felony convictions or habitual misdemeanor convictions
character and reputation
Ability to speak clearly, hear, analyze and react swiftly to high stress
situations dealing with citizens
Successful completion of the applicant screen and background process.
There shall be a Birth and Death National Database that shall include all Ugandans.
The Federal and State Governments shall ensure that all Ugandans are in the national database.
The Information in the database shall be limited to:
Date of Birth
Date of death
The Birth, Citizen, and Death National Database shall issue all Ugandans a private card with a unique identification number.
Local officials shall be charged with ensuring that every birth or death, after the establishment of the national database is entered into the birth and death database.
They shall also ensure that all local residents are in the National Database.
Non-citizens shall be issued special identification numbers.
The Constitution of the Federal Union of Uganda shall be only be amended with the approval of two-third majorities in both the House of Representative and the Senate, and approval of three-fourth of all state assemblies representing states with a combined total of seventy-five percent, or more, of the total population of the union.
Amendments affecting state boundaries, their number and the division of powers among the various levels of government are inadmissible; that is, state boundaries and their powers and rights are inviolable.
In the case of East African or larger federation, states with the same ethnic peoples across borders, may with approval of the federation, form larger states to incorporate all their peoples.
Traditional Leaders
including Kings and chiefs of Uganda’s peoples shall continue to exist in any
State of Uganda where they are recognized in accordance with the cultures,
customs, traditions and aspirations of the people to whom they apply.
In Kingdom States, the
traditional leaders shall be Constitutional Heads of their respective states
but shall not be involved in politics.
The states shall
maintain their respective traditional leaders. The costs of maintaining
traditional leaders shall be part of the states’ yearly-consolidated funds, and
shall be established by law.
Traditional leaders
shall enjoy such privileges and benefits as they are entitled to under the
cultures, customs and traditions of their respective states.
Traditional leaders
shall be immune from prosecution and legal suits.
Traditional leaders
shall carry out such functions and roles as stipulated in the peoples customary
On official functions,
Paramount traditional leaders, such as the Kings, shall in their home States
takes precedence over any person except the President, or the person acting as
Natural Resources
including Lakes, Rivers, National Parks, and Mountains shall be jointly managed
and developed by the States in which they reside and Ministry of Environment
and Natural Resources.
The States shall have
the primary responsibility of managing the resources.
The Ministry shall be
responsible for overall policy guidelines and shall provide oversight,
expertise and some funding. Special care shall be taken to protect the
environment and to ensure its sustainability.
The revenues, or
royalties from the resources shall be allocated in these proportions: 35% to
the State, 35% to the Federal Government, 30% to the Federal Equalization fund
to be redistributed to the other states.
The implementation phase shall cover a period not exceeding 5 years effective the day the resolution adopting federalism is passed into law. It is recommended that during this phase the central government directs a substantial amount of both internal and external funds (Donor grants and Loans) to the states to enable them to set up the necessary infrastructure.
During these 5 years, basic federal features shall be implemented. Others may be gradually implemented by the states following the 5 year period.
It is anticipated that some states such as Buganda and other kingdom states may need less time to get their systems ready given their longstanding institutional experience and infrastructure.
Items that need activation during the Implementation
State Constitutions
The Federal constitution shall precede state constitutions. States shall promulgate their own constitutions in accordance with their values but consistent, and not in violation of the federal constitution which shall be the Supreme Law of the Union.
During the constitution making exercises, each state shall also decide on whether it shall have a bicameral or unicameral legislature and on the criteria for elections of the legislature and the governor.
State Administrative Systems
The states, with the assistance of experts, shall set up their administrative systems and bureaucracies taking care to ensure smooth integration and interoperability with Local government systems.
State Ministries and Local Government
The states shall set up their Ministries including State Ministries of Local Government. The current National Ministry of Local Government could be merged with the Planning Department of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic development.
Some officials in the current Ministry of Local Government could be appointed by states to head their Ministries of Local Government.
The Uganda Police shall be retained as a more highly trained and specialized National Police Force.
Training of National Police
The National Police will be equipped with highly specialized skills including internal and external intelligence, high technology crime investigations, financial fraud detection, counter-intelligence and criminal network infiltration.
State and Local police forces
State and local police forces shall be recruited and trained with the help of the National Police Agency. Many members of the National Police lacking the highly specialized skills required for the force may be reassigned to various state police forces.
National Databases
A National ‘Citizen, Birth and Death Database’ and an electoral database shall be set up. The database shall include fingerprint information, and for newborns, and apprehended criminals, DNA information too.
The National Citizen, Birth and Death database shall be updated at the lowest local government units and shall include all citizens, all newborns, and shall record any deaths. All citizens shall be given unique identification numbers known only to them. These unique numbers shall be required when citizen apply for a number of services, or when they vote.
Information Technology (IT) infrastructure
The Federal government and the States shall be set up with a modern IT infrastructure that eases administration and planning. All new records shall be computerized and old ones scanned into computer systems.
Inventory of State Natural Resources
Expert teams shall be charged with surveying, studying and creating an inventory of state natural resources.
Organization of farmers
Farmers shall be organized into cooperative marketing societies.
Overall Planning for State economies
States shall appoint or hire experts to draw up strategies for promoting their agriculture, investment, Tourism and Mining operations.
State Judicial Systems
Setting up state judicial systems shall involve re-adjusting the existing court system and putting the lowest courts under state jurisdiction.
Training and Support Systems for Entrepreneurs
Finance, Accounting, book-keeping, banking and business plan training centers sponsored by the Central government shall be set up in all states to assist entrepreneurs and business people
State Business Resource Centers
State Business Resource centers with Export, Import, business opportunities and loan information shall also be set up.
Support for business people and Entrepreneurs shall be crucial for individual states’ prosperity and tax revenues.
Establishment of State Capitals
State Capitals shall be chosen by the states. The Capitals shall not necessary be the largest towns in the states.
State assembly buildings, and housing for governors and legislators shall be identified, or built, in the state capitals.
Establishment of State Revenue Authorities
The mechanisms for collecting taxes shall be determined by the states. Some may opt for establishing their own revenue authorities; others may opt for joint revenue authorities; while others opt to leave their tax collection to the Federal Revenue Authority.
Establishing State Civil Service pay scales
The States shall decide on the payment scales for all their official and civil service bureaucrats in consultation experts from the Ministry of Finance and from elsewhere.
Schools, Universities and Training Institutes
National schools, Training Institutes and Universities shall continue to be National, that is there shall be no preferential treatment of any kind for state residents in these national institutions.
The Universities and Training Institutes may be encouraged by the states to build satellite campuses in the various states, though these institutions may decline for administrative and cost considerations.
The states may build new state educational institutions to ensure that all their residents get educated. These new educational institutions that are paid for largely by state revenues may have preferential criteria favoring residents.
National Referral Hospitals such as Mulago and others shall continue to be national institutions with no preferential treatment for state residents.
States may build new state hospitals with different rates for non-residents.
Employment Criteria
States shall set up their employment criteria.
All citizens shall be free to settle and work anywhere. Federal agencies’ and corporate employment in all shall states shall be open to all citizens. The federal government may set up many of its agencies in various states.
The states, however, may establish minimum residence criteria for state civil service jobs.
National Prisons shall remain national. The states may however build new state prisons.
State Militia
During the transition phase, State Militia shall be recruited, trained and their equipment procured. The National army shall be consolidated into a small, highly professional force. Many of the current Army personnel may be absorbed into the various state militia at the discretion of the States.
Appendix II: The Proposed States’ Resources
State |
Resources |
Acholi |
and Cash Crops: Cotton, Tobacco, Simsim, Rice, Groundnuts, beans (the Acholi sub-region
is thought to be suitable for major mechanized agriculture) Industries: Grain milling, Cotton Ginning,
light engineering, Carpentry, garments, brick making Tourism:
Murchison Falls National Park, vibrant cultural music and dances Market:
Uganda, Southern Sudan and beyond Investment
potential: Food processing, Agriculture, Trade |
Ankole |
Tea, Ranching and Dairy farming Potential
Industries: Milk processing, cheese, butter, and Yogurt manufacturing plants,
beef packing and processing, leather tanning, shoe manufacturing (from
leather), coffee and Tea processing, Exports, Trade and many others Mining:
Gold, Tin and Limestone Tourism:
The Western Rift Valley, Kitagata Hot Springs, Lake Nyabihoko, the Karegyeya
Rock, Ekitaguriro, Lake Mburo National Park, Royal sites Trade:
Uganda, Tanzania and beyond |
Buganda |
Coffee, Tea, Bananas, Fish Industries:
Manufacturing and processing of a variety of items, Finance, Trade and many
other potential industries Tourism:
The Royal Tombs, The Kabaka’s palace, the Nakayima tree, Kampala, Royal
Festivals, Bigo bya Mugenyi |
Bugisu/Sebei |
Arabica coffee Industries:
Milk Processing, garments, pharmaceuticals, furniture, Cotton ginning, Coffee
Processing and exports Tourism:
Mount Elgon, Sipi Falls, Circumcision festival Trade:
Uganda, Kenya Advantage:
proximity to Kenya |
Bukedi |
Cattle, Fishing Industries:
Fertilizers, Cement, Iron roofing, fungicides, soap, oil milling and cotton
ginning and many potential others Minerals:
Phosphates Tourism:
Tororo Rock Advantage:
Share of custom Revenue from Kenya border post |
Bunyoro |
Fishing Industries:
Kinyara Sugar works, Cotton ginning, brick making, furniture, printing, tea
and coffee processing Minerals:
Oil Tourism:
Royal burial tombs, the Omukama palace, Kibale Forest National Park Advantage:
Border with Congo and Oil |
State |
Revenue Sources |
Busoga |
Agriculture, Fishing Industries: Electricity, Sugar, Textiles,
Iron smelting, leather, beer, cotton ginning, grain milling, coffee
processing, brick making Tourism: source of the Nile, Bujagali falls,
white water rafting |
Karamoja |
Cattle, Agriculture |
Potential Industries: Beef Processing and
packing Leather industry Minerals: Gold Tourism: Kidepo National Park |
Kigezi |
Agriculture, Fish Industries: Wine, furniture, footwear, coffee
processing, bakeries, silk rearing Mining: Wolfram, Tin, stone quarrying Tourism: Lake Bunyonyi, Bwindi Impenetrable
Forest (Mount Gorillas), Ishasha Game reserve (climbing lions), Mount Gahinga
Rest Camp, the Muhabura volcanic ranges, temperate climate, natural beauty |
Lango |
Agriculture, Cotton, Fishing Industries: Cotton processing and exports,
garments, furniture, printing, light engineering Tourism: Lakes Kyoga and Bisina |
Teso |
Agriculture, Cattle Potential Industries: Beef processing and
exports, leather products, milk processing, cotton ginning, furniture making,
oil milling and many others Tourism: Nyero Rock Painting |
Tooro West Nile/ Madi |
Agriculture, Coffee, Tea Industries: Soap, Garments, Furniture,
Coffee, Tea and cocoa processing, cement, foam mattresses, salt Tourism: Queen Elizabeth National Park,
Sempaya Hot Springs, the Ituri Tropical Forest, Rwenzori Mountains, Royal
Palace and Karambi Tombs Mining: Cobalt, Copper, Sulfur, limestone Agriculture, Tobacco, Fishing Industries: Cotton Ginning, Coffee
processing, grain milling, tobacco curing, furniture, brick making Tourism: Ajai Game Reserve, Perec cave, Omi
and Amuru Hot water springs, Palaro shrine |
By Kiriro Wa Ngugi, Reference:
This paper, read together with earlier work titled ‘Write your Country’s NEW CONSTITUTION’ constitutes the formal submission to the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC) by the author. The purpose is to explain, market and justify the choices made in the aforesaid model constitution, illustrating its suitability for Kenya in a comparative context. CKRC in particular, and Kenyans in general are required to think carefully about the rationale, about the values and purposes we are trying to achieve by opting for one constitutional design or the other. We must understand how our choices impact the underlying political, social and economic environment in the 21st century and beyond. This is my contribution to that effort.
I intend to make some general comments on the format and language our next constitution should take, then attempt to discuss the issues that go to answer the threshold question of whether to have a unitary or a federal system. Having made that decision, Kenyans then face the institutional design issues that other nation-states have faced; how to devolve and divide powers, how to organize fiscal arrangements, which level of government will do what etc. It is useful to examine other people’s experiences and designs vis-ŕ-vis my suggested detailed model, which I will argue is very suitable for Kenya. In conclusion, I will make brief comments on pertinent emotive issues that are part and parcel of the Kenyan debate on constitution making and attempt to explain the rationale behind my choices.
A contract between two parties must not be in a language which one of the parties does not understand. If the constitution is conceived as a social contract between the rulers and the ruled, then it must be drawn in simple enough language, which ordinary Kenyans are able to understand. There is no place whatsoever for legalistic text in a new constitution. Our next constitution must be accessible not only to lawyers but to ordinary citizens as well. It must be in simple language such as in the model under discussion.
Format is an integral part of ‘language’. In making the constitution
document people friendly, care must be taken on the format of the document.
The model proposes two threads:
(a) Serial numbering of articles from Art. I through Art.211. This retains the clarity of legal practice while encouraging ordinary Kenyans to memorize, or at least easily remember the Article(s) on subjects that raise the highest passion, e.g. Art. 180. Presidency, or perhaps Art. 113. Land, and so on.
(b) The model also divides the material into five ‘Books’ {the choice of the word is deliberate}. Book 1: General provisions, Book 2: Bill of
Rights, Book 3: Intergovernmental Relations, Book 4: People and Politics and Book 5: National Institutions. Within this broad framework, the material is then arranged by subject into Chapters, Sections and Sub-sections, the entire subject matter remaining intertwined with the serial numbering of articles throughout.
The end product is a document that both lawyers and ordinary people will find comfortable to work with. Therefore this format is highly recommended to CKRC for our next constitution.
The real debate is more about the foundation upon which Kenyans will build their new constitution, than it is about institutional design. Put another way, once Kenyans are agreed on the ‘foundational philosophy’: who they are, what they aspire for, etc, the rest of it is more of a technical challenge which any worthwhile legal technician can undertake easily. The real purpose of consulting the people is not to learn from them whether or not we should have a bicameral parliament. The real purpose is to understand how they perceive themselves, their aspirations, their fears, their strengths and their weaknesses and then decide that a bicameral house would serve them better; how and why.
The challenge, purpose and outcome of defining the philosophy underpinning my threshold choice of a federalist model, is carried as a prologue in the earlier work and I have no intention of repeating it in this submission.
However, I do propose that CKRC needs to undertake and pronounce itself
distinctly and separately on this critical component of constitution
making. What underpins and informs the threshold question of whether to
have a unitary or a federal system? It is already a requirement of the
Review Act that CKRC should make this decision. My recommendation is that CKRC should pronounce itself on this issue in the form and character of a ‘judicial ruling’, bearing in mind that national unity as a objective should not be confused with homogeneity or uniformity. National unity to be effective in a multi-ethnic state should be understood in terms of harmony in diversity, rather than in artificially enforced homogeneity.
In the case of South Africa, they had a constitutional court which passed judgment on the draft constitution; whether or not it complied with the original ’34 Constitutional Principles’ agreed upon prior to the actual constitution debate/writing. We do not have such a formal structure in our process but the challenge is similar. In South Africa, the ’34 constitutional principles’ constituted the foundational philosophy of the rainbow nation upon which a constitution was built.
The Review Act, [once enriched with evidence from the people], will
constitute the equivalent of constitutional principles in the Kenyan
context. CKRC should then in my opinion, pronounce itself formally on this fundamental question: What are the foundations of the Kenyan society? Once this is done, two important things happen. First, the rest of constitutional decision making flows neatly from the acknowledged and established foundation and second, it affords us a logical path to question, criticize or justify the provisions we make in the constitution document. If we precipitate the ‘foundational philosophy’ accurately, then
we shall find the rest of the task relatively easy. If on the other hand we do not get it right, or worse still, fail to crystallize the foundation as a definite cognate step in the review process, then we shall not succeed in evolving a viable long term constitution of Kenya.
As already indicated it is not necessary to repeat here why I choose a
federal system for Kenya. That is already carried in the prologue in the book but without use of the F-word. The logic for this omission should be obvious. CKRC must articulate in a better fashion, the choice that they make as a cognate definite step in the review process and I suggest strongly that CKRC do this in the format and character of an ‘argued judicial ruling’ which renders itself easily to evaluation both as a political, as well as a judicial product. There is already in my opinion, a consensus {at least a latent one} that a federal system is the most suitable for Kenya , but there is deep suspicion propagated under the ‘tyranny of terminology’ imposed by the M-word (Majimbo). We should take courage from the South Africa situation.
The general historical position of the African National Congress (ANC) has been to argue for a unitary state on the grounds that only it could secure majority rule, that only it could secure the concentration of resources necessary to undertake the massive tasks of providing schools, hospitals, housing and eroding massive economic disparities and that only it could contain the destructive centrifugal tendencies of race and tribe. The language and concepts of federalism were also associated with the racist and discredited previous policy of African ‘homelands’. In the end however while the word ‘federalism’ did not appear anywhere in the South African debate or final constitution, the federal principle is so deeply embedded that South Africa is indeed for all practical purposes a federal state.
Kenyans need to similarly avoid the M-word both in the debate and in the final product and my work demonstrates that this can be done easily.
Once we have developed a consensus on the need for devolution of power from the centre, once we have developed a consensus on the need to strengthen local authorities, once we have developed a consensus that these attributes require constitutional protection, then the resultant product is inevitably federal. The only other remaining challenge is to break the ‘tyranny’ of the M-word in the institutional design of the Kenyan state. You will have noted that my model avoids use of both the M-word and the F-word entirely and I suggest strongly that CKRC do the same in all their reports.
There are as many variants of federalism as there are federal states. Each federation is sui generis and it is in this character of federalism that Kenyans should take pride and develop yet another unique federal constitution suitable to her circumstances.
However, from a theoretical academic perspective, Prof. Richard Simeon of Toronto University, in his paper ‘considerations on the design of
federations;’ identifies two models which he terms the Divided Model
illustrated broadly by Canada, and the Integrated Model as illustrated by Germany. The model under discussion would fall under Richard Simeon’s second ‘integrated’ category and it might be useful to comment on it under the same sub-headings as the academician uses to discuss the South African document. I will however extend the sub-leadings as necessary to complete the Kenyan debate.
The logic of the Divided Model as in Canada, is one of separate divided
powers with each order of government exercising substantial autonomy in its own spheres there is minimum overlap, or formal concurrency. Canada is one of the world’s oldest federal states but we also know that this federation is in deep crisis, and its very continuation as a federal state remains very much in question. Some would argue that Canadians have indeed failed to constitute themselves as a sovereign people. On the other hand, under the Integrated Model such as in I now suggest for Kenya or in Germany, instead of water-tight compartments, there are wide areas of concurrency or shared responsibility. A limited number of powers are allocated for both legislation and administration to national government, including foreign affairs, citizenship, immigration, nuclear power domestic and international trade, currency, postal and telecommunications, etc. There is also a long list of concurrent powers, ranging from the administration of justice, to
welfare, to education, environment, etc.
In South Africa, they followed the Integrated Model Legislative authority for the country is exercised by national, provincial and local governments. Unlike Germany, the general residual power is left to the central government. In my model, the national government only undertakes those tasks attributed to it by the constitution or those which require uniform regulations (Art 42) Otherwise the residual power is left to the counties (Art 43). My model is one of shared powers and responsibilities (Art.44, Art. 45, Art. 46, and Art. 48) but it allows for county autonomy (Art. 47) while respecting the supremacy of state (Art. 49).
In the Divided Model each level of government is given independent taxing powers. In Canada, Ottawa can raise revenues by any means; the provinces are restricted to direct taxation, but in practice apart from tariffs and a few other revenue sources, there are virtually no limits on provincial taxation and borrowing powers. There are enormous differences in taxation across provinces. Without fiscal autonomy, formal jurisdictional autonomy can be meaningless. On the assumption that Central governments have more revenue raising capacity; to what extent should flows be conditional (implying considerable central control) or unconditional (implying respect for autonomy)? Secondly, between richer and poorer areas, how much should fiscal federalism assure the equal capacity of the provinces to carry out the responsibilities assigned to them? (Art.143).
It appears to me that to a considerable degree some of the issues in
comparative appraisal between the Divided and Integrated models are the
same [or at least very similar], as to between unitary and federal systems respectively. In fiscal arrangements, this similarity is especially true.
The Integrated Model is not one of independent states and federal
government exercising revenue raising powers autonomously; rather the model is primarily one of shared revenues and taxing powers, based on negotiated formulae. In Germany, all taxes accrue jointly to the Federation and the Lander, and each has equal claim to current revenue necessary to finance their current expenditure. Only a limited number of revenue sources are allocated exclusively to either level.
In contrast, the provincial nature of Canada’s Divided federalism means
that interaction with each other often looks more like the relations among independent countries rather than the interactions among component elements of the same political system. In South Africa, informed as they must have been by a preference for a unitary system; the central dominance extends into their fiscal arrangements. Provinces have very limited powers to raise revenues on their own account and are barred from income, sales and value added taxes. No provincial revenue raising activities are permitted that “materially and unreasonably” affect national economic policies, etc.
However, the provinces are entitled to an “equitable share” of revenues
collected by the national government. Federal legislation sets the rules for provincial borrowing. The national government can also block the transfer of funds to the provinces under certain conditions. In short, South Africa has a highly centralized if federal model and questions as to what ‘equitable share’ is and the conditions that may be attached to it, remain.
My model for Kenya introduces a formula upfront under which tax revenue
shall be shared. The tax is levied by the state (Art. 137, Art. 138, Art. 139, Art.140 and Art. 141) but assessed collected by the counties (Art. 136) who are otherwise prohibited from levying similar taxes (Art. 142). Specific sharing formulae are stipulated against each type of tax (Art. 137 subs (4), Art. 138 subs (5) and Art. 139 subs (3) but in certain specific cases, the constitution even stipulates how the tax money shall be used; (Art. 139 subs (4) and subs (5). This has very important implications in setting the agenda for critical areas such as poverty reduction (Art. 139) subs (4) or preventive health (Art. 139 subs (5) and the accent and acknowledgement of, not just a large population with no motorized transport, but also the environment (Art. 139 Subs) (6).
The South African model in acknowledgement of its centralized nature includes a ‘Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) modeled along the Australian Grants Commission but anecdotal evidence suggests that the two are as different in their effectiveness as night from day. The S. Africa FFC has not worked too well thus far and it has itself suggested that the centre should withdraw from part of the income tax, in order to allow provinces some room to impose their own. My model for Kenya avoids these difficulties, so common to unitary systems but without introducing the chaotic Canadian scenario, or the utopian German euphemism of “equal claim” to revenue (Book 3 chapter 3
et al).
One other feature in my model deserves mention. The model constitution
stipulates the ceiling on taxes which the state may levy (Art. 137 subs (1) and Art. 138 subs (1). This is intended to require governments not just to live within their means, but more critically, to tie higher state income to better economic management. In such an arrangement, the governments have a real incentive to improve the economy at zero-option. They cannot raise taxes; {always the easier option} but in a real crisis, Art. 107 subs (5) and subs (6) offers the way out without giving governments a blank cheque or short-changing anyone.
Shared powers and finances require that inter-governmental co-operation
between the various levels of government be absolutely necessary. In
Canada, the machinery of inter governmental relations have grown up in ad hoc way; it is nowhere mentioned in the constitution, or enshrined in statute. Nonetheless there is a complex array of informal official level intergovernmental meetings which have no formal status, no decision making power, no formal rule of procedure or schedules and no bureaucratic back – up : again the Divided Model.
In South Africa, details of intergovernmental machinery are not spelled out in the constitution either but they are acknowledged and left to future legislation. S.41 (2) requires that an Act of Parliament establish or provide for structures and institutions to “promote and facilitate executive intergovernmental relations”. The accent is that every effort should be made to resolve any intergovernmental disputes before recourse to the courts, which meanwhile have asserted their role as final umpires in the South African federal system, as also in Canada and Germany.
My proposals for Kenya are stated at Art. 44 subs
1. The Republic and the counties shall collaborate and support each other in the fulfillment of their tasks.
2. They owe each other mutual respect, consideration and support. They
shall grant each other administrative and judicial assistance.
3. Disputes between counties or between counties and the Republic shall, to the extent possible, be resolved through negotiation or mediation Interests of the Republic shall be paramount.
The role of the courts as final arbiter is acknowledged up front in my
constitution model at Art. 207 subs (1) (d).
In Canada, there is no formal institutional bridge linking provincial and national politics, no institutional means through which the interests of provinces, whether their people or their government, are represented directly in the Central government. In most federal systems, this is the primary role of the senate or second chamber. It is well known that in Canada the senate has failed to play this role. The result is that, despite the reality of wide areas of interdependence, a sharp line is drawn between federal and provincial politics. They are separate systems, again Divided federalism, which negotiate and bargain with each other like sovereign entities.
Some of the consequences of this divided system would be unthinkable
elsewhere, including Kenya. For example, some political parties active at the provincial level play no role whatever in national politics; in others federal and provincial parties of the same name have few financial, organizational, ideological or personal links. This is also reflected in the fact that, with some important exceptions, there is remarkable little mobility of political leadership between levels of government. The pattern is repeated at the public service level; there is no unified Canadian public service and little mobility among levels.
In Germany, the second chamber, the Bundesrat is made up of directly
appointed ministers of the regional governments, who are subject to recall. Regional premiers and senior ministers comprise the Bundesrat’s membership.
Thus in many areas, the Central Government’s powers are qualified by the need to obtain Regional approval through the Bundesrat; a powerful tool for regions to influence national legislation and direction such as participation in the European Union. In a very real sense, Regional
governments in Germany actually run the Federation. This has it own
peculiar shortcomings.
In South Africa, the second chamber is called the National Council of
Provinces (NCOP). Its members comprise of a single, ten person delegations from each of the nine provinces. The selection of the delegation is complex, some are “special delegates” rotated according to the issues under discussion, others are “permanent delegates” but also selected by the provincial legislature under nationally determined rules. On most issues affecting the provinces, each provincial delegation has one vote, cast on its behalf by the provincial premier. On ordinary legislation, not affecting the provinces, members of the NCOP vote as individuals. The lower house could assure passage of a bill rejected or amended by NCOP simply by re-passing it. Thus in national areas the role of NCOP becomes purely advisory. In areas of concurrent responsibility, a complex web of provisions ensue. The bottom line is that the jury is still out on the NCOP and its influence in South Africa, as their constitutional court has already pointed out. It is dependent on too many other factors to make a definitive judgment on how effective this second chamber will become.
In my Kenyan model, there is a simple arrangement. Art. 154 subs (2) states that the National Assembly shall have “two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate which have equal powers. I further suggest at Art. 156 that the Senate consists of 36 delegates of the county, [three from each county] and the counties decide and regulate the election of their own senators. This does not however allow the regional government to go the Germany way and constitute themselves at the Senate (Art. 151) nor the South African way of instructed mandates which is expressly prohibited
(Art. 167). My idea is to encourage the counties to elect trusted respected members of their community, who will likely grow from regional politics to become the link with the Central power apparatus. Although not expressly stated in the model, county politics do not require political party organization or endorsement. Flowing from the foundational philosophy, the most politically cohesive social entity in the African society is the tribe, which in the case of county Administration, does not require further political infrastructure. In contrast to Canada where there is little mobility of political leadership between levels of government, my design envisages a natural progression from county to National levels. That is why at the pinnacle of county political authority [the county mayor] the provision is made for a single term of six years “The mandate may not be renewed” (Art.58 subs (1).
That provision allows the county community to avoid the tyranny of the
paramount chief syndrome, but without loss of the influence of
their ‘political chief’ who would then find space in the Senate on terms approved by his/her people in a democratic way. How do we modernize and democratize our traditional structures of governance? Again we return to the foundational philosophy which we must precipitate before designing our political and institutional structures. Most of the ‘opposition chiefs’ who have failed to join together at a national level are probably only useful as Senators for their counties. Our outgoing Presidents could also find joining the Senate a better option; a soft landing where their influence would still be useful.
In Canada, it is the courts which have transformed the original 1867 “Quasi Federal” model to the more classical decentralized and divided model of today. The supreme court of Canada has played umpire of the federal system and this role has become more important especially in the 1970 and 1980s when the system became more competitive, more adversarial, more ‘divided’.
In Germany, the constitutional court has full powers to interpret, the
Basic Law [that’s what Germans call their constitution] and this integrated model spills over into other aspects of the federal political system. Given the enormous complexity of the South African document, many issues will likely come before the constitutional court for clarification and interpretation. These decisions will therefore do much to shape how federal the new South African system will become. The same could be said of the model I have suggested for Kenya. Although a strong bias for negotiation and mediation is required (Art. 44) by the constitutional model, other social and political aspects within society may make such requirement a mere letter of the law which would then require the supreme court to step in and shape the outcome of the federal nature hopefully not towards the Canadian divided model. Learning co-operative governance may take some length of time amongst the current crop of Kenyan politicians.
These must flow neatly from the underlying general foundational philosophy.
One important element of federalism is the recognition of difference. From a conflict management perspective the basic argument for federalism is that it minimizes the potential for conflict by empowering territorially concentrated distinct minorities with the tools to protect and promote their distinctiveness. Federalism makes hegemonic domination by one group
more difficult.
But federalism is Janus-headed; it points in two different directions. In terms of territorial conflict, federalism actually institutionalizes, perpetuates and reinforces the very cleavages it is designed to manage. CKRC no doubt will address itself to this Janus-headedness. The problem is not unique to Kenya. Both Canada and South African face exactly the same problem. It should be obvious what side of the debate I support. Only by acknowledging and granting our cultural diversity territorial recognition as distinct components of our society can we reconcile them to a Nation state, inevitably federal. Is there any message from our voting patterns?
Are we in denial?
The solution to plausible secessionist movements growing out of federalism lies in the cognate advantages of belonging to a larger economic entity.
The advantages must be visible. Quebeckers shall remain part of Canada only where the advantages of doing so are clear, enhanced and protected. That should not be difficult. In Kenya, the Somali community at independence wanted out and it took the “shifta war” to quell that secessionist movement. Today the Kenyan Somali community readily opts to remain part of Kenya largely because in relative terms, that is what serves them best. In real terms however there is little on the ground to support this choice: roads, hospitals, schools and security. Such is what will permanently reconcile the Kenya Somali community to a Kenyan federal state. We must always remember that.
Kenya does not have a strong autonomist movement such as Quebec in Canada and KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. We also have an inbuilt advantage. The current administrative boundaries were drawn to coincide with ethno-cultural boundaries. The problem of minorities with minorities is resolved through a strong bill of Rights: Art. 7 thro’ Art.40 which must be embraced vigorously even by relatively homogenous counties. Men are known to trample on the rights of their own children!
Once we accept that our people are civilized enough to want to live their diversity but as a nation-state respecting Art. 24, boundaries already exist which protects and promotes their particular distinctiveness. My design shows how. Any other configuration of boundaries must first be rationalized under a viable philosophical foundation. Economic or population sizes are not such foundation. India has had to revise its original state boundaries to coincide with linguistic ones which should tell us something. A nation is not the alter at which people loose their cultural heritage or identity.
In Kenya there is a great deal of gerrymandering of constituency boundaries to the extent that 40% of the popular vote invariably wins the ruling party 60% of the seats in parliament; by design of course. Proportional representation as proposed (Art. 155) solves this problem. Every vote will have the same weight. The threshold 5% to qualify for seats is meant to lock out fringe elements and extremists. It is quite common in federal states. In Germany, it has for example kept the Nazis out of both state and Federal governments. Proportional representation solves some other problems as well. Our MPs are currently perceived to be personally responsible for the development of their assigned constituencies. That is not tenable and has managed to intensify corruption. We need to de-link national MP’s from their constituencies whose development agenda will henceforth be the responsibility of the regional governments. In South Africa, the political parties issue party lists. This is what my model envisages (Art.145) but it leaves it to parliament and future legislation to fill out the details.
Germany includes significant details especially on funding of political
parties in the Basic law. Given the complexity of changing the constitution (Art, 146) I consider it prudent to leave passionate debates such as political party funding and management, to parliament.
One of the most emotive issues in Kenya is the person of the president. Who will be President? This question drives politics in Kenya, fueled from the perspective of ethnicity. It is an unfortunate byproduct of our unitary system. The ethnic group that provides the person of the president is perceived to have relative advantage on state patronage. They are deemed to have the chance to ‘eat’ hence the furious competition by ethnic communities to place one of their own at the seat of President. This is conceptually nonsense of course, and devolution of power within federalism will go a long way to demonstrate that ethnic groups do not need to place one of their own in the Presidency to realize their aspirations of social economic development and self–determination. Other modes of devolution in Kenya are on the table .The creation of an executive Prime Minister and a ‘figurehead’ ceremonial President’ is one such option being proposed.
From our historical perspective, the concept of a ‘ceremonial President is perfect recipe for disaster. It would take quite a while before Kenyans get used to a powerless Head of State. Meanwhile there is no Kenyan available, able and willing to act this part. Before too long, the outcome we saw in Uganda where Prime Minister Milton Obote physically ejected the Kabaka President, is a very real possibility. We must also guard against constitutional manipulation aimed at maintaining the status quo.
In my model, the functional separation of Head of State from Head of
Government is achieved in [Art.180 subs {3} by giving the Vice-President a real job, effectively the ‘Prime Minister’ but his public endorsement is achieved since the VP is a running mate to the Executive President who is NOT a member of Parliament. Furthermore, where federal institutions involve a parliamentary form of government with a cabinet and Prime Minister appointed by, and responsible to, the lower house , for example in Canada, Australia, India, Malaysia and Austria, inevitably the second chamber’s relative power and therefore ability to represent the diversity of regional interests, has been weaker than in federalism such as the United States and Switzerland {also my model} in which the principle of electoral separation of the executive and the legislature is been adopted.
Germany’s mono-ethnic federalism with little regional distinctiveness which requires protection ,has to a considerable extent counteracted this weakness of their parliamentary federalism by creating their Bundesrat under the virtual control of culturally homogenous regional governments. As we have already observed, in Canada by contrast, the federal appointment of senators has only further weakened its legitimacy and role as a body to represent regional and minority interests. In a multi-ethnic society such as ours, a powerful functional second chamber is critical in protecting cultural distinctiveness and interests. Moreover, Kenyans need to take full advantage of devolution, checks and balances inherent in the separation of the Executive and the legislature which parliamentary federalism does not offer.
Constitutions are designed to define the fundamental values of a political society. In Canada , the debate rage on despite that their federal system is over 100 years old. In South Africa, the emerging federalism is not quite clearly formed. One province passed its own provincial constitution under the terms of the Interim constitution but the Constitutional Court declared it unconstitutional on the ground that it proclaimed KwaZulu-Natal a “self-governing province”, amongst other reasons. Federalist South Africa will continue to be “work in progress” for many years. That should give us courage to conceive our next constitution in terms of a growing, living tree, rather than as metal scaffolding. The constitutional document is dynamic. The greatest challenge lies not in institutional design, but in precipitating a foundation that accurately reflects who we are and what we aspire for. It was never my intention to write a model constitution in the
first place. I merely expressed strong sentiments on the concept of “positive tribalism” which got published in the media and elicited strong and passionate response. Then I discovered that my argument underpins a plausible, viable, democratic foundation for a multi-ethnic society. I went out and found one –Switzerland. The rest shall become
The model is founded on the ‘Village Assembly’ [Art. 52] which have inherent judicial and legislative powers to manage their village. I saw a parallel between this unit and the traditional African practice of adjudicating social issues under a tree: [direct democracy]. How do our
traditional political structures influence our future? I also saw ‘village assemblies’ parallel the emerging ‘Estate Associations’ such as Karengata whose effectiveness in articulating and managing their tax rates despite decadent authorities is already legendary. The nickel dropped ! I gave the ‘village’ constitutional recognition thus fusing an old African tradition with a recent modern democratic element. Then I build a complete model constitution around it; borrowing ideas unashamedly from mainly Switzerland but elsewhere too. [I see no merit in re-inventing the wheel].
The end-product is uniquely Kenyan. At least I think so. I have not resolved each and every issue. That was not the object of the exercise. The objective was create a workable framework within which issues will continue to be discussed, by a critical mass of Kenyans, and therefore hopefully resolved. That is the challenge faced by us all through the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission. I hope I have made some useful contribution.
Dated 7th February 2002
On MPs' Majimbo Position
Nation (Nairobi)
18, 2001
to the web November 18, 2001
change of heart by some Central Kenya MPs to
majimbo (federalism) yesterday drew mixed
from a cross-section of political and
and representatives of religious groups
the Coast, who have all along advocated the
saw a sinister motive in the decision by the
who met at Naivasha and supported majimbo.
Leader of the Official Opposition party,
Party boss Mwai Kibaki, remained
on the subject, saying only that majimbo
to be properly defined before its viability as
alternative to the unitary system is debated.
could not, however, say categorically whether the
which produced majority of the MPs at the Naivasha
would support federalism.
said: "Majimbo as a word does not mean anything. It
first be defined so we can know what it entails,
Kenyans can debate its benefits."
Kibaki was answering questions from journalists
presiding over a fundraising meeting to raise
for his party's Othaya branch.
calling for majimbo should be precise, he said,
they should say what criteria should be used to
the country administratively.
Kibaki, however, said some politicians had misled
to believe that majimbo would be a panacea for
their economic problems. He declined to say
the DP supported majimbo, but said everyone
a right to air their views on the constitutional
National Development Party spoke out in support of
move as Manyatta MP Njeru Ndwiga, who sat through
Thursday meeting, said majimbo was never
head of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Archbishop
Gitari, said the Central Kenya MPs who met in
to chart a political strategy were acting
their rights.
Gitari said: "As I've said before, politicians from
tribes, be Kikuyu, Luo or Kalenjin, have a right
meet and address their own issues."
Gitari was speaking to reporters shortly after he
over a graduation ceremony for 16 prelates at
ACK Berea Bible College at Bahati, Nakuru
weeks ago, the issue of majimbo was raised by four
MPs during a fund raising meeting in Laikipia
Mwangi Kiunjuri (Laikipia East), Dr Chris Murungaru
Mr Kamau Thirikwa (Ndaragwa) and Mr Muhika
(Mukurwe-ini) had said they would start
for the federal system of government, as
would benefit people in Central Province and
areas of the Rift Valley.
majimbo proponent Shariff Nassir told the
Nation by telephone that he was happy to see
the Central MPs "have seen the sense in my fight
from the Naivasha meeting had said: "We have
decided to go for majimbo but we still stand by
position that we should have a government of
they have set one condition for majimbo -
the provincial boundaries are reworked and people
to register in the jimbo (federal state) of
plan to present their detailed proposals to the
of Kenya Review Commission.
Mr Ndwiga said in Embu: "We did not talk
majimbo, if anything the DP, which has the
of members in Central Kenya Parliamentary
is totally opposed to federalism."
official statement on deliberations at the Naivasha
is to be communicated by chairman Njenga
next week.
Secretary-General Mr Sospeter Ojaamong said:
very delighted that the group has accepted a
system of government. Our party had worked out
which were circulated to all parties.
had put into account the issue of the costs of
a federal government and found out that it was
he said.
supported the Central MPs' stand that wananchi
be allowed to register in the jimbo of their
Nassir said: "At first they saw me as an enemy and
opposed my clarion call of Majimboism but
they have seen the sense and they are backing me."
Assistant Minister Joshua Orwa Ojode
the decision as a pleasant surprise.
Ojode, the National Development Party MP for
said his party had conducted wide ranging
and economic research before proposing the
people had misconstrued a federal government to
eviction of some tribes from particular areas yet
main objective is maximize resources at regional
said Mr Ojode.
Law Society of Kenya chairman Gibson Kamau
welcomed the idea, but said it was only prudent
address the problems caused by tribal clashes in
and 1997, before adopting it.
Mombasa, a Muslim for Human Rights official said
decision to back a federal system of government is
aimed at garnering support from the Rift Valley
Coast regions.
by telephone yesterday, Mr Munir Mazrui,
the change of attitude towards majimboism.
don't trust these people because they are trying to
majimbo system as a way to bring power to their
he claimed.
chairman of the unregistered Islamic Party of
Sheikh Mohamed Khalifa, said: "Unless we know
type of majimbo they are backing, we cannot feel
to support them because there are many different
systems," he said.
by Mugumo Munene, Muchemi Wachira, Silas
Mark Agutu, John Oywa and Mwakera Mwajefa.
Mathangani and Carol Kinyua
of M. Phil. Thesis
Kijakazi Rajabu Mtengwa
Constitutional Problems of Unbalanced Federal
An Insight of Union Problems of the United
of Tanzania and their Implications to
and the Future of the Union
September 2001.
Social Science Library, University of
- (Bibsys reference)
the increase in the awareness of the need to
identities, federalism is becoming a common
of governments. Federalism enables states to come
and form strong governments while at the same
maintaining their respective identities. It
calls for sharing of power between equal
Federalism is based on constitutionalism. It
a conscious, deliberate attempt based on democratic
Federal systems are adopted as means of
rather than eliminating problems that
it impossible for a unitary system to be formed.
they are complicated but in situations where
are unbalanced, then they are even more complex.
study aims at looking at constitutional related
of unbalanced federal systems. The term
or imbalance is used to refer to differences
area, population, resource endowments and the like.
United Republic of Tanzania is used as the unit of
The country is a union between Tanganyika
Tanzania Mainland) and the islands of Zanzibar
Tanzania Zanzibar), formed in 1964. It is highly
in favour of Tanzania Mainland. The choice
this case study is based on the fact that it was
an attempt to address to problems of unbalanced
systems, by modifying the federal principle
creating a quasi-federal structure. It is
because the federal principle is clear
the part of Zanzibar and quite unclear on the part
Tanzania Mainland. According to the Articles of
the original agreement to form the union and
the constitution, there is the Government
Zanzibar and that of the United Republic. The
of Tanganyika is not provided. However by
the Government of Tanganyika a gap was
and a complicated or rather confusing
was created. It is not clear for example
the union Government deals with Tanzania Mainland
a separate Government and when it deals with the
part of the union in its capacity as the union
As a result both parts have been demanding
re-examination of the union structure.
started very early. However the years
mid 1970s witnessed intensive frictions on
union issue, a demand to fill the gap by creating
federal system. The period also saw demands for
administrative and political reforms, common
other Sub-Saharan Africa. The Government responded
constitutional changes were made. They did not
the union issue. In the study three models for
decision-making are used namely
power and traditional models. The
questions are: (1) Why was the union formed?
How do we explain the political crisis of the
was it a power struggle or a conflict over what
appropriate? (3) Were the 1992 democratic reforms
An analysis of the developments which
from the inception of the union to-date is
by looking at the constitution making process.
was on the events that followed the
and more specifically the 1992 and 2000
amendments in which the union issue was
in the initial stages only. After this stage
whole process was limited to the ruling party and
government. When it came to the parliamentary
the union issue was not included in the
From the discussion it is evident that despite
crisis the Government is reluctant to open
on the union issue. It was also evident
the union has a future and that there is a move
more democracy in Tanzania. However the union
is complicated and if not addressed to, it will
affect democracy and the future of the
Source: Australian Electoral Commission
Research Paper No. 1989-90
Proportional Representation
To overcome the
proportionality problems associated with single member constituencies using
either plurality or majoritarian systems a bewildering number of proportional
representation systems have been developed. Proportional representation systems
are widely used in Europe, and in Australia for upper houses.
representation systems attempt to relate the allocation of seats as closely as
possible to the distribution of votes. By definition, this requires more than
one vacancy, so multi-member constituencies are necessary. Constituencies can
range from the whole Country or State to parts of the Country.
representation systems can be broadly grouped into two categories: List systems
and the Single Transferable Vote system. List systems can be further
divided into Largest Remainder and Highest Average categories.
List systems may or may not allow the elector to choose between candidates of
the same party. List systems can be either closed; allowing no choice at all;
flexible, where the voter can vote for the party or a candidate; open, where
there is no party vote but candidates listed in order; or free where the
candidates are not placed in any order by the parties.
The basic concept
of proportional representation systems is to allocate seats in the legislature
in a proportional relationship with the votes cast at the election. To achieve
this requirement a number of different and quite complex computational
arrangements have been devised. These may or may not include the use of a
quota. A quota in this context is the number of votes required to obtain a
The simplest
method of determining a quota is to divide the number of valid votes by the
number of seats to be allocated. This method is often referred to as the Hare3
quota. Three alternatives to the Hare quota exist; The Hagenbach-Bischoff
quota, in which the number of votes is divided by the number of seats plus one;
the Droop4
quota, in which the number of votes is divided by the number of seats plus one
and adding one to the quotient; and the Imperiali quota, in which the
number of votes is divided by the number of seats plus two.
In the following
examples 60000 valid votes are cast and 5 seats are to be allocated.
Hare = |
Votes |
= 60 000 |
= 12 000 |
Seats |
5 |
Hagenbach-Bischoff = |
Votes |
= 60 000 |
= 10 000 |
Seats + 1 |
6 |
Droop = |
Votes + 1 |
= 60 000 + 1 |
= 10 001 |
Seats + 1 |
6 |
Imperiali = |
Votes |
= 60 000 |
= 8 571 |
Seats + 2 |
7 |
The simplest
method of allocating seats under proportional representation is the Largest
Remainder system. Under this system a quota is established, usually Hare
quota, and is used to determine each party's allocation. A seat is allocated
for each quota that the party obtains. However, this system does not always
provide for the allocation of all seats as a number of votes will be left over
after the allocation of full quotas and some small parties will not gain
sufficient votes to obtain a full quota. The remaining seat or seats are
allocated on the basis of the largest remaining votes after the allocation of
full quotas. In the following example five seats are to be allocated but only
three parties receive a full quota. The remaining seats are allocated on the
basis of the highest remaining votes.
Remainder |
Party |
Votes |
Quota |
Seats |
Remainder |
Seats |
Seats |
A |
8700 |
4800 |
1 |
3900 |
1 |
2 |
B |
6800 |
4800 |
1 |
2000 |
0 |
1 |
C |
5200 |
4800 |
1 |
400 |
0 |
1 |
D |
3300 |
- |
0 |
3300 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
24000 |
5 |
Source: T.
Mackie and R. Rose, op.cit.
The above
example demonstrates one of the limitations of the largest remainder system in
ensuring proportionality of representation. In the example Party D receives the
same representation as Parties B \ C even though its vote is substantially
lower, and in the case of Party B only half. The Largest Remainder system
favours smaller parties over larger parties when using the Hare quota. The
relative importance of remainders in the allocation of seats can be reduced by
the use of a lower quota (Hagenbach-Bischoff or Droop). Lower quotas result in
more seats being allocated on the basis of parties receiving a full quota and
less being allocated by remainders. However, the use of a lower quota does not
always overcome the proportionality problem of the Largest Remainder system.
Using the example above the Droop quota produces exactly the same result as the
Hare quota.
To overcome
problems associated with the Largest Remainder system the Highest Average system
was devised.5
The object of the highest average system is to ensure that when all seats have
been allocated the average number of votes required to win one seat shall be as
near as possible the same for each party. The Highest Average system can be
used with or without a quota. When used with a quota the system is sometimes
referred to as a Hagenbach-Bischoff system. The system derives its name
from the method of allocation of seats to parties. Under the system each
party's votes are divided by a series of divisors to produce an average vote.
The party with the highest average vote after each stage of the process is
allocated a seat. After a party has been allocated a seat its votes are then
divided by the next divisor. The Highest Average system has a number of different
variations, depending upon the divisors used and whether a quota is used or
The d'Hondt
version uses the numbers one, two, three, four etc as its divisions. In the
following example the d'Hondt is used without a quota. As in the previous
example five seats are to be allocated.
Version Highest Average System |
Party |
Votes |
Seat Division |
Seat Division |
Seat Division |
Seat Division |
Seat Division |
Total |
A |
8700 |
8700(1) |
4350 |
4350 |
4350(4) |
2225 |
2 |
B |
6800 |
6800 |
6800(2) |
3400 |
3400 |
3400(5) |
2 |
C |
5200 |
5200 |
5200 |
5200(3) |
2600 |
2600 |
1 |
D |
3350 |
3350 |
3350 |
3350 |
3350 |
3350 |
0 |
Total |
24000 |
5 |
Source: T.
Mackie and R. Rose, op.cit.
In the above
example the first seat divisor is one for all parties. Party A has the highest
vote and is allocated a seat. In the second round, votes for Party A are
divided by two, while all others are divided by one. Party B has the highest
vote and is allocated the second seat. The process continues with the divisor
for a party increasing by one each time that party is allocated a seat. The
above example illustrates the highest average concept of the d'Hondt version.
An alternative presentation of the above, that is easier to comprehend, is
shown below. In this example votes of all parties are divided by the series of
divisors. From the resultant matrix, seats are allocated to parties with the
highest votes.
Presentation of the d'Hondt Version |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Total |
Votes |
8700 |
6800 |
5200 |
3350 |
24000 |
by 1 |
8700(1) |
6800(2) |
5200(3) |
3350 |
by 2 |
4350(4) |
3400(5) |
2600 |
1675 |
by 3 |
2900 |
2267 |
1733 |
1117 |
Seats |
2 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
A comparison of
the examples shown under the d'Hondt version of the Highest average system and
the Largest Remainder shows a different distribution of seats and illustrates a
characteristic of the d'Hondt version to favour major parties at the expense of
minor parties. This can be modified by choosing different divisors. The Sainte-Lague
version and the Modified Sainte-Lague versions increase the size of the
divisors, thus making it more difficult for a party to win each additional
seat. The Sainte-Lague divisors are odd numbers beginning at one (eg 1,3,5,7,
etc.). The modified Sainte-Lague numbers are 1.4,3,5,7,9. The Sainte-Lague
divisors make it harder for major parties to gain each additional seat while
the modified Sainte-Lague divisors maintain this characteristic as well as
making it more difficult for smaller parties to gain representation through the
1.4 first divisor.
The following
examples illustrate the Sainte-Lague characteristics of making it more
difficult for major parties to obtain additional seats.
Version |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Total |
Votes |
8700 |
6800 |
5200 |
3350 |
24000 |
by 1 |
8700(1) |
6800(2) |
5200(3) |
3350(4) |
by 3 |
2900(5) |
2267 |
1733 |
1117 |
by 5 |
1740 |
1360 |
1040 |
670 |
Source: T.
Mackie and R. Rose, op.cit.
Sainte-Lague Version |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Total |
Votes |
8700 |
6800 |
5200 |
3350 |
2400 |
by 1.4 |
6214(1) |
4857(2) |
3714(3) |
2393(5) |
by 3 |
2900(4) |
2267 |
1733 |
1117 |
by 5 |
1740 |
1360 |
1040 |
670 |
Source: T.
Mackie and R. Rose, op.cit.
In the above
example both the Sainte-Lague and modified Sainte-Lague versions produce the
same distribution of seats. However, the two versions provide representation
for the smallest party at the expense of the second largest party.
In addition to
varying the first divisor to make the election of smaller parties more
difficult a threshold can also be used in list systems to achieve the same
result. Thresholds require a party to achieve a certain percentage of the vote
before they can be eligible to have members elected.
List systems of
one variety or another are used widely throughout Western Europe. (See Table
2). Australia's first exposure to list systems occurred with the ACT
Legislative Assembly elections in March 1989. The system used, termed modified
d'Hondt, is described in greater detail in Appendix 3. The system used d'Hondt
divisors with a Droop quota as a threshold and a flexible list. However, the
ACT system was complicated by the use of a single transferable vote system
(Senate system) to determine the individual candidates elected. The single
transferable vote addition to the d'Hondt system was employed to overcome one
of the main criticisms of the list systems ie the reliance of party lists to
elect individual candidates rather than voter choice. However, in attempting to
overcome this problem the system became so complex that voters had difficulty
in understanding it and the scrutiny took two months to produce a result.
The form of
proportional representation familiar to most Australians is the Single
Transferable Vote system used in elections for the Senate, the Legislative
Councils of New South Wales, South Australian and Western Australia and the
Tasmanian House of Assembly. The Tasmanian system, referred to as Hare-Clark6,
differs from the system used for the Senate and States' Upper Houses in a
number of ways. However, the basic concepts are the same.
In the single transferable
vote system voters are required to rank individual candidates according to
their preference. A candidate must receive a Droop quota in order to be
elected. Any candidates whose first preference votes equal or exceed the quota
are declared elected. Votes surplus to the quota cast for successful candidates
are transferred amongst the remaining candidates according to the second
preferences recorded by the voter. The questions of which votes actually elect
the first elected candidate and which votes are surplus and hence distributed
can either be resolved by sampling or conducting a full count to determine the
proportions favouring particular candidates. The proportions are then applied
to the first preference votes of the successful candidate. As each candidate
receives a quota he is elected and his surplus votes are distributed. If all
surplus votes have been distributed and not all vacancies have been filled then
the candidate with the smallest number of votes is eliminated and his votes
distributed. This process continues until all vacancies are filled. (See
Appendix 1 for a detailed explanation of the Senate system and Appendix 2 for a
detailed explanation of the Hare-Clark system).
The single
transferable vote system can be explained simply in the following terms. If a
voter wished to vote for a particular candidate but the candidate was either so
popular as to have no need for his vote or so unpopular as to have no chance of
election, then the vote was not wasted but used to elect the voters' second
choice candidate.7
The need for the
Droop quota in the single transferable vote system may require some
explanation. The Droop quota represents the smallest numbers of votes that will
ensure election. This can best be illustrated in the case of an election for
one vacancy with two candidates. One candidate is required to poll only one
more vote than half to ensure election. Thus with 100 votes, 51 votes would
ensure election. This can be expressed in the following formula:
= |
+ 1 |
= 100
+ 1 |
51 |
+ 1 |
1 +
1 |
Similarly, in a
five member constituency, six candidates can each receive one-sixth of the
vote, but only five can get any more votes; therefore any candidate who polls
one more vote than one-sixth of the total must be elected.8
= |
+ 1 |
17 |
5 +
1 |
If five
candidates receive 17 votes (85 votes in total) then the remaining candidate
must receive 15 votes. Thus 17 votes is the smallest number of votes that
ensure election.
A simplified
example of the operation of the single transferable vote system is shown below.
In this example four candidates are standing to fill three vacancies. The quota
is 76. Candidates A1 and A2 are from the same party. Candidate A1 receives a
quota on first preferences. He is elected and his surplus votes are
distributed. Candidate A2 receives the vast majority of Candidate A1's surplus
and also achieves a quota, and is elected. Candidate A2's surplus is
distributed and results in the election of Candidate C.
Transferable Vote System |
A1 |
A2 |
B |
C |
Total |
Preference Votes |
150 Elected |
20 |
68 |
62 |
300 |
of A1 Surplus |
-74 |
68 |
1 |
5 |
Total |
76 |
Elected |
69 |
67 |
300 |
of A2 Surplus |
0 |
-12 |
2 |
10 |
Total |
76 |
76 |
71 |
Elected |
300 |
The main
differences between the two forms of the single transferable vote system
(Senate and Hare-Clark) used in Australia are outlined below:
representation systems were developed primarily to overcome the weakness of
plurality and majoritorian systems in providing representation for minority
opinions. Use of proportional representation systems is widespread throughout
Western Europe where the political landscape is typified by a large number of
political parties. The principal advantage of proportional representation is to
provide representation to those parties in proportion to their electoral
support. Proportional representation systems thus overcome the main criticism
of plurality and majoritorian systems.
Some form of
proportional representation would provide a solution to the problem found in
the United Kingdom where the Liberal Social Democratic Alliance polled 22.6% of
the vote at the 1987 House of Commons election yet only won 3.4% of the seats.
Democratic principles would suggest that this situation is unfair as nearly one
quarter of the electorate is denied representation in the Parliament.
The arguments
against proportional representation are based on the consequences of the system
in providing representation to smaller parties. The proliferation of minor
parties in legislatures as a result of proportional representation systems can
result in unstable government, and in minor parties being in a balance of power
situation. The election of a number of parties with no one party having a
majority in the legislature may result in unstable government and uncertainty
as parties trade with each other to form coalitions and alliances. The
behind-the-scenes manoeuvring and bargaining can lead to situations where the
resultant government follows policies that bear only a slight resemblance to
the policies placed before the electorate by the parties concerned. A minor
party may be able to take advantage of this situation and hold major parties to
ransom by imposing its wishes on the other parties in recompense for its
support. In this political environment governments are more susceptible to the
whims of party officials rather than the wishes of the electorate. However,
Proportional Representation systems do not necessarily result in unstable
governments and in the problems outlined above. Experience in western Europe
suggest that other political factors are also important.
representations systems by their very nature involve large multi-member
electorates thus breaching the direct relationship between an electorate and
its representative in the legislature. The important electorate based work
undertaken by local representatives may be undermined by the lack of
identification by a representative with a defined area. Representatives may
appear remote from the local constituency and owe their allegiance more to the
central party authority than to the local electorate.
disadvantages of proportional representation systems depend upon which
particular form is used. Problems such as lack of choice of individual
candidates, complicated voting and scrutiny procedures, delays in counting and
declaring a result, lack of community understanding of the procedures, can all
be found in some forms of proportional representation.
The three types
of electoral systems outlined so far in this paper (plurality, majoritorian and
proportional representation) all display a range of advantages and
disadvantages. Logic would suggest that the best electoral system should
consist of a combination of individual systems so that the disadvantages of one
system can be overcome by the advantages of the other and vice versa. Such a
combined system is the Additional Member system which is used in the
Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Additional
Member System involves the election of individual candidates from single member
constituencies and the election of candidates from multi-member constituencies
by proportional representation. The requirement for direct constituency
representation is met by the election of a single member constituency
representative while the requirement for representation of all political
opinion is met by the election of representatives under proportional
representation. In order that the total number of candidates elected is in
proportion with the votes cast, the candidate elected under the proportional
representation component of the system ``top up'' candidates elected from
single member constituencies.
The following
outline of the West German system provides the basic features of the system
without detailing all the specific complications.
The electoral
system used to elect members to the Japanese House of Councillors (upper house)
is a combined system but cannot be referred to as an Additional Member System,
as no provisions exist for representation to be adjusted to achieve
proportionality. The House of Councillors has 252 seats, half of which come up
for re-election each three years. Constituencies are of two types: 152 members
are elected from Prefectures constituencies while the remaining 100 members are
elected from the country as a whole. Electors have two votes, one for the
Prefecture constituency and one for the national constituency.
Source: Canada Federal Department of Finance
What is Equalization?
Entitlements – (2003-04)
($millions) |
NL |
NS |
NB |
QC |
MB |
SK |
BC |
Total |
866 |
240 |
1,209 |
1,184 |
4,543 |
1,239 |
355 |
862 |
10,499 |
How Equalization Payments are Calculated
The fiscal
capacity of a province is a measure of its ability to raise revenues from
more than 30 revenue sources – including personal income tax, corporate income tax, sales
taxes, property tax, and other sources – assuming that province has average tax rates.
The standard
measures the average fiscal capacity of the five ‘middle income’ provinces –
Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.
additional information, see the Department of Finance web
site -
The U.S. State of Connecticut
Industry Clusters
Connecticut’s cluster-based economic
development initiative is built around the idea that nurturing the state’s key
industries improves the competitiveness of businesses within these industries,
in turn boosting our economy. By combining the market knowledge and expertise
of businesses with the talents and resources of government, education and
economic development organizations, Connecticut’s industry clusters better
prepare each of their members to face the challenges created in the global
cluster" is an economic development concept championed by Dr. Michael
Porter of the Harvard Business School. Dr. Porter is respected worldwide as an
expert in global economic strategies and was among the first to recognize the
power of clusters to boost regional economies.
A cluster is
defined as a concentration of companies and industries in a geographic region,
which are interconnected by the markets they serve, and the products they
produce, as well as the suppliers, trade associations and educational
Clusters have
been forming naturally for years, both in the U.S. and abroad. The most famous
clusters include: Silicon Valley for its microelectronics, biotechnology and
venture capital markets; Route 128 in Massachusetts for its software, computer
and communications hardware, and health care technology sectors; and North
Carolina’s Research Triangle for its pharmaceutical, agriculture and
telecommunications sectors.
Creating a
business environment in which clusters can grow and prosper takes an enormous
amount of cooperation between government and industry. In 1998, a task force of
125 business leaders from Connecticut was assembled to study the best method of
implementing cluster-based economic development in our state.
The task force
identified six industry areas key to Connecticut’s economic competitiveness:
manufacturing, financial services, telecommunications and information, health
care services, high technology and tourism. (The state’s Tourism industry already was recognized
as a natural cluster, operating successfully under the direction of the
Connecticut Tourism Council with a strong private-public partnership.) The task
force’s research led to the legislation passed in 1998, effectively launching
Connecticut’s Industry Cluster Initiative under the Department of Economic and
Community Development.
1998, progress was made in a number of areas related to nurturing industry
clusters. One of the most important accomplishments was the establishment of
the Governor’s Council on Economic Competitiveness and Technology, composed of
CEOs from a cross-section of industries, legislative leaders, heads of key
educational institutions, labor representatives, officials of industry
associations and several state commissioners. The council meets each quarter to
monitor cluster progress and find ways to enhance and support it.
In October
1998, the BioScience cluster was
the first cluster to be formally launched. Overseen by Connecticut United for
Research Excellence (CURE), the cluster started with $300,000 in state seed
money and $700,000 from industry contributions. The cluster has since received
more than $370,000 in additional funds from DECD and $61.5 million in public
funds. Currently, more than 110 Connecticut organizations are members of CURE.
The cluster’s activities have led to the establishment of a BioScience
Facilities Fund totaling $60 million; administered through Connecticut
Innovations, the state’s technology investment arm, the fund will underwrite
the development of incubator and lab space.
In July 1999,
the Aerospace cluster,
under the direction of Aerospace Components Manufacturers (ACM), was
introduced. The state’s investment of $769,000 was leveraged by $2.3 million in
industry funds and $140,000 in other public funds. ACM is made up of more than
40 manufacturers from the aerospace industry to date and is at work in areas
such as progressive manufacturing, workforce development and consolidated
purchasing, and to identify future roles in the worldwide aerospace market.
In October
1999, the Governor launched a Software/Information
Technology cluster known as eBizCT, an affiliate of the Connecticut
Technology Council (CTC). This cluster immediately worked to identify and
address obstacles in areas such as workforce development and regulatory
environment. To date, the group has received more than $1 million in state and
industry dollars. CTC continues to develop a strategic plan to strengthen its
industry, promote growth, visibility and ability to compete in a global market,
and to support e-business strategies of all Connecticut companies.
Also in 1999,
what originally began as a Business Training Network was identified as the Metal Manufacturing cluster. Originally
launched with a $10,000 grant, the Metal Manufacturing Education and Training
Alliance (METAL) received a $1.7 million federal workforce-training grant for a
two-year project to provide a range of training in new workplace technologies
and manufacturing processes. The cluster’s efforts have been funded by $135,000
from DECD and over $970,000 from industry contributions.
In December
2000, Maritime was introduced.
Its organizational center, the Connecticut Maritime Coalition (CMC) was formed
to manage its activities and initiatives in the areas of workforce development,
dredged material management, transportation strategy, and commercial fishing
advocacy. Seeded by $103,000 of state funds and matching private sector
resources, CMC represents five components of the industry – transportation,
manufacturing and services, recreation, commercial fishing and environment –
and is currently made up of 21 member businesses. To date, the cluster has
received more than $165,000 in state money, $270,000 in industry dollars and
$63,000 in public funds.
In February
2001, the seventh operational cluster, Plastics, was recognized. CPC is
dedicated to workforce development and eliminating threats to the industry such
as labor pool depletion, market share erosion and relocation pressures from
other states and countries. The state provided the initial seed money to
develop the plastics cluster; to date, that has totaled $165,000 from the
state, $192,000 in industry funds and close to $78,000 in other public monies.
With those funds, the cluster plans to develop its image and membership during
its first year, and to activate programs in the areas of workforce development,
progressive manufacturing, business practices and shared services.
In March 2002
Connecticut’s Agricultural Business cluster (CAB) was launched. The
cluster is seeking to raise the level of competitiveness and increase
profitability of individual agricultural businesses while maintaining
responsible stewardship of the state’s natural resources. Funding has been
provided by the state, $140,000, industry cash, $100,000 and public funds,
The Insurance
and Financial Services cluster marks the ninth cluster in the state,
ensuring that Connecticut continues to compete as a primary location for
insurance, asset management, banks and other financial services companies. DECD
is providing $100,000 in funding, while industry adds more than $175,000.
A number of
other cluster-related projects have taken shape over the last year, in areas
including manufacturing, workforce development, urban revitalization,
transportation infrastructure, regulatory and tax climate, and international
Teamwork is the
key to making Connecticut competitive in today’s global economy. The Industry
Cluster Initiative, as this strategy has come to be known, puts Connecticut
companies on the fast track; develops the resources needed to compete globally;
achieves sustained, measurable growth in jobs, education levels, start-ups and
R&D funding; and ensures that positive results extend beyond a single
contract, company or city. To learn more about Connecticut’s cluster initiative,
look thru the other links available throughout the DECD website.
Appendix IX: State of Connecticut Business Tax Incentives
Source:| |
5- year, 80%
real property and personal property tax abatements for manufacturers. 5-year,
40-80% real property and personal property abatements for service,
telecommunications and computer related providers, depending on amount invested
Enterprise Zones or within areas of certain non-TIC municipalities designed for
Enterprise Zone Benefits
Official Order of Precedence
Ceremonies and Protocol Flight Home Page | Protocol Primer | Personnel
Below is the official order of precedence
from Service Etiquette. In the left column are the DV codes from the DoD Flight
Information Publication, General Planning. A simple conversion system for
translating DV codes into general officer equivalents is to subtract the DV
code from the base number seven. For example, a DV code 5 equates to a 2-star
(7- 5=2). If a military member and a civilian have the same DV codes, the
military has precedence.
NOTE: Senior Executive Service (SES)
Codes are pay levels and do not reflect DV status.
1 President of the United States
Heads of state of foreign countries and reigning royalty
2 Vice President of the United States
Governor of a state in his own state
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Chief Justice of the United States&127;
Former Presidents of the United States
The Secretary of State
Secretary General of the United Nations
Ambassadors of Foreign Powers
Widows of Former Presidents
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court
The Cabinet:
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
The Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Welfare
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veteran Affairs
United States Representative to the United Nations
Director, Office of Management and Budget
Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
United States Trade Representative
United States Senators (By seniority of Senate service
or alphabetical when seniority is equal)
Governors of states when not in their own states (by
state entry into the Union)
Former Vice Presidents of the United States
Members of the House of Representatives of the United
States (By seniority of House service or
alphabetical when seniority is equal)
Governor of Puerto Rico
Counselor and assistants to the President and the
Presidential Press Secretary
Charges d'Affaires of Foreign Powers
Former Secretaries of State
The Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries (Deputy
Secretary equivalent of the Executive Departments)
Administrator, Agency for International Development
Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament
United States Ambassador at Large
Secretary of the Army
Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Air Force
Directory Office of Science and Technology Policy
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Naval Operations and
Commandant of the Marine Corps (By date of
Commandant, United States Coast Guard
Retired Service Chiefs and Commandants
General of the Army and Admiral of the Fleet
Secretary General, Organization of American States
Representatives to the Organization of American States
Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Director, International Communications Agency
Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space
Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
Director, Office of Personnel Management
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Director of ACTION
Director, Office of Community Services Administration
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency
3 Special Assistants to the President
Governors of Guam and the Virgin Islands
Assistant Secretaries of the Executive Departments,
Assistant Secretaries of Defense, General Counsel
of the Department of Defense, and Advisor to the
Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for NATO
Affairs (By date of appointment)
The Chief of Protocol
Deputy Administrator for NASA, Deputy Director for CIA,
and Deputy Director,
Arms Control and Disarmament
Comptroller General of the United States
Deputy Assistants to the President
Judges, U.S. Military Court of Appeals
Members of the Council of Economic Advisors
Active or Designate U.S. Ambassadors and Ministers
(Career rank when in the United States)
Mayor of the District of Columbia
Commissioners of the Trust Territories
Under Secretary of the Army
Under Secretary of the Navy
Under Secretary of the Air Force
Commanders-in-Chief of Unified and Specified Commands
of four-star grade (by date of appointment)
Vice Chiefs of Staff, Vice Chief of Naval Operations,
and Assistant Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps (By
date of appointment)
Generals and Admirals (4-star rank)
Retired Generals and Admirals (4-star)
Assistant Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the
Air Force (By date of appointment within each
The Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy
Secretary of Defense
Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
Commanders-in-Chief of Unified and Specified Commands
of three-star grade (By date of appointment)
4 General Counsels of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense (By date of
Lieutenant Generals and Vice Admirals (3-star rank)
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense (By
date of appointment) and Deputy General Counsel of
the Department of Defense
Former United States Ambassadors and Ministers to
Foreign Countries
Deputy U.S. Trade representative
Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army
Heads of Independent Agencies, Director of the FBI, and
Treasurer of the U.S.
Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service
Deputy Assistant Secretaries of the Executive
Departments and Assistant General Counsels of the
Department of Defense (By date of appointment)
Deputy Under Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the
Air Force (By date of appointment within each
Deputy Chief of Protocol
Counselors of Foreign Powers
Civilians Assigned to SES, GS-18, and Scientific
-Technical positions (Equivalent to others listed in
Code 4)
5 Major Generals, Rear Admirals (Upper)
Civilians assigned to SES, GS-17, and Scientific
-Technical positions (Equivalent to others listed in
Code 5)
6 Brigadier Generals, Rear Admirals (Lower)
The Assistant Chiefs of Protocol
The Secretary of the Senate
Civilians assigned to SES, GS-16, and Scientific
-Technical positions (Equivalent to others listed in
Code 6)
7 Captains USN or USCG, Colonels USAF, USA, or USMC, or
comparable rank officers of friendly nations
Counselors in Charge of Consulates of Foreign Powers
GS/GM-15 (Civilians)
8 Senior Enlisted Advisors of the Armed Services (Master
Chief Petty Officers of the Navy and Coast Guard,
Sergeants Major of the Army and Marine Corps, and
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force)
Edited By
John Mukum Mbaku
Pita Ogaba Agbese
Mwangi S. Kimenyi
Probably the most challenging issue facing developing
nations today concerns the establishment of
institutional arrangements that can effectively deal
with ethnic diversity and allow population groups to
coexist peacefully. In the past, leaders and
intellectuals of these countries have proposed
approaches to coexistence that involve suppressing
ethnic identity. The assumption underlying this
approach is that for the various groups to coexist
peacefully, it is necessary to homogenize otherwise
heterogeneous groups. This view of dealing with
diversity is reflected by post-independence policies
that included various provisions that sought to
minimize or even deny group identity. For example,
leaders argued that single-party political systems
were more appropriate for uniting all groups (ethnic,
religious and linguistic). The leaders warned that
unity would be sacrificed if political party
competition were to be introduced because different
political parties would be dominated by particular
ethnic and linguistic groups which in essence would
politicize and promote tribalism (Winchester, 1986).
Likewise, the elimination of federalist structures and
traditions, and the creation of highly centralized
states that greatly reduced local autonomy were seen
as solutions for uniting otherwise heterogeneous
groups. Thus the common response to diversity in many
developing countries has been the adoption of
institutional arrangements that seek to unify
heterogeneous populations by limiting expressions of
group differences.
To be sure, many of the peoples of the Third World had
to deal with pressing problems of unity after
independence that may have required them to
deliberately design unifying policies. The new nations
had to make crucial decisions concerning the
constitutional dimensions of government activities. In
selecting particular constitutional dimensions, the
primary objectives included the achievement of both
economic growth and of just and free societies that
provided freedom from oppression of one group by
another. The leaders, at least ostensibly, sought to
adopt constitutions that would advance individual
liberty while at the same time create unity amongst
diverse populations. Concerned by the fact that the
various ethnic, religious, and linguistic groups in
each of the countries considered themselves distinct
in various respects, the issue of unity was a primary
concern. Specifically, unifying the groups into one
national state was considered crucial for political
stability. Nevertheless, the approaches taken by the
post-independence governments to deal with
heterogeneous populations have not been successful and
in fact, may have been counter-productive.
Problems related to diversity are not limited to the
Third World. In fact, this is a problem in even the
most advanced nations such as the United States,
Canada, and the Western European countries. However,
issues of diversity are more serious in the Third
World than in other parts of the world. This is
because most Third World countries have extremely
heterogeneous populations. In sub-Saharan Africa, for
example, there are over 2,000 distinct ethnic
societies (Ayittey, 1992). These ethnic groups vary in
size, with some having as few as 100,000 members and
others encompassing millions of people. Other
characteristics such as language, religion and culture
make the African population even more heterogeneous.
The same or similar levels of ethnic and religious
diversity exist in Asia, Latin America and Caribbean,
and the Middle East.
The mere number of "ethnic units" or "linguistic
groups" may not necessarily imply serious divisions in
society if individuals do not identify strongly with
those groups. In many Third World societies, however,
ethnic identification is quite strong. While
individuals consider themselves loyal members of the
nation that they belong to, they also identify
strongly with particular ethnic, religious, or
linguistic groups. In other words, various ethnic
units do consider themselves distinct and to a large
extent, want to maintain that identity. This
identification is reflected in how individuals
associate in social, political, and economic spheres.
Strong ethnic identification frequently results in the
exclusion and marginalization of some groups from the
mainstream of national politics and the economy.
Groups compete to control the political machinery, and
once in power adopt policies that favor some groups at
the expense of others (Bates, 1983; Brough and
Kimenyi, 1986; Kimenyi, 1989; and Mbaku, 1997). Absent
well functioning democratic institutions, groups that
are excluded may engage in violence in an attempt to
gain entry into both political and economic markets.
In most of the Third World, widespread internal
conflicts are the norm and these conflicts almost
always have a strong ethnic or religious component
(e.g., India, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Burundi, South
Africa, Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Democratic Republic
of Congo, Mexico, to name a few). Evidence shows that
just as ethnic units can be efficient in procuring
benefits for their members, so too can they be
efficient in organizing violence against other groups.
In other words, the unit that can advance the
well-being of its members also can undermine the
liberty of others (Furley, 1995; Horowitz, 1994).
Evidence shows that ethnic groups in many Third World
countries are notorious for imposing costs on
nonmembers (Ayoade, 1988; Chazan, 1988; Horowitz,
One of the clearest manifestations of destructive
ethnic rivalry in the Third World is the military
coup. For example, between 1960 and 1982, almost 90
percent of the 45 independent countries in sub-Saharan
Africa experienced a military coup, an attempted coup,
or a plot to overthrow the government (McGowan and
Johnson, 1984). Since 1982, several other coups and
attempted coups have taken place in the various
African countries (Tordoff, 1993). While there are
many factors that explain why the military intervenes
to change government (Mbaku, 1994, 1995), the
competition for the control of government by ethnic
groups has played a dominant role in contributing to
such political instability in Africa. In most cases,
coups are organized by members of one ethnic group
seeking to remove from power, leadership composed of
members of other ethnic groups. As a matter of fact,
most armed insurrections are aimed against ethnically
based regimes (Horowitz, 1994; Furley, 1995; also see
Jenkins and Kposowa, 1990, 1992).
Conclusive evidence of the ethnic orientation of most
military coups is revealed by the changes in
composition of members of the cabinet and senior civil
servants before and after the coup. For example,
before the 1966 coup in Central African Republic that
deposed President Dacko, a member of the Baya ethnic
group, no member of the Mbaka ethnic group was in the
cabinet. After the successful coup led by J.-B.
Bokassa of the Mbaka ethnic group, the composition of
the cabinet changed so that 23 percent of the cabinet
members were Mbaka. Likewise, when Kwame Nkrumah was
president of Ghana, 71 percent of the cabinet members
were from Nkrumah's Akan ethnic group. Following the
coup that deposed Nkrumah, organized by members of the
Ga and Ewe ethnic groups, the representation of Akan
people in the cabinet dropped to 25 percent, that of
the Ga increased from 7.7 percent to 25 percent and
that of the Ewe increased from 7.7 percent to 38
percent (Morrison, et al., 1972). In almost all cases,
military leaders award top government positions to
members of their own ethnic groups (Kimenyi and
Shughart, 1989; Breytenbach, 1976).
While military coups represent conflicts that are of
short duration and often localized in urban centers,
there are many other ethnic conflicts that involve
large parts of the country and last for many years.
Since independence, many developing countries have
been involved in several such ethnic or religious
conflicts. Probably the most significant in Africa was
the civil war in Nigeria. That conflict reflected
differences between the Ibo people in the Eastern
Region and the other ethnic groups in the country.
Fearing domination, the Ibo-dominated region intended
to secede and subsequently form its own independent
polity call Biafra. The response by the rest of the
country was the use of military force that, while
costly, prevented the secession.
Sudan is another example of a country where conflicts
have been ongoing for decades. The conflict is one of
a struggle between the northern and southern peoples.
Both the northern and southern regions are themselves
occupied by heterogeneous ethnic groups. However, the
northerners are primarily of Arab descent and are
Muslims while the southerners are of African descent
and are primarily Christian. The conflict in Sudan
reflects unresolved social tensions that resulted from
the British colonial administration's decision to
incorporate the South with its non-Muslim Nilotic and
Bantu populations into a single political entity with
an assertive, Islamic north oriented toward the Arab
World (Copson, 1994).
The southerners for long have experienced political
domination by the northerners and have attempted to
rid themselves of such domination by use of violence.
Northerners in turn have used force to suppress
uprisings by the southerners resulting in destructive
and widespread conflict. The war between northern and
southern Sudan intensified during the 1960s and again
during the late 1980s and continued into the 1990s.
Conflicts of a similar type, between blacks and Arabs,
and Christians and Muslims, have been persistent in
Chad and Mauritania.
One of the most intense inter-ethnic conflicts in the
Third World involves the Tutsi and Hutu tribes in
Rwanda and Burundi (Greenland, 1976). The Hutu
constitute a numerical majority in both countries but
the Tutsi for the most part have dominated
post-colonial politics. These two groups have
different histories and migrated to Rwanda and Burundi
at different times. In both countries, hatred is so
intense that each ethnic group has attempted genocide
aimed at the complete eradication of the other group.
The 1972 holocaust in Burundi in which the
Tutsi-controlled government killed between 100,000 and
200,000 Hutus is just one example (Meisler, 1976).
Likewise, conflicts erupted in Rwanda during the early
1990s leaving thousands of people dead. Similar
conflicts are continuing in Burundi though with fewer
Ethiopia provides yet another case where ethnic
rivalry has persisted for hundreds of years. The
country is fairly heterogeneous with over 70
languages. For a long time, the main conflict involved
the people of Eritrea who sought independence from
Ethiopia (Woodward and Forsyth, 1994). Eritrea finally
achieved selfdetermination in 1993 after a long and
costly struggle. There are also other groups in
Ethiopia who have waged nationalist movements. Most
notable are the Somalis, who consider themselves as
being colonized by the Amhara, who have for years
dominated the leadership of that country (Hamilton and
Whitcombe, 1976). The Ogaden region of Ethiopia, where
Somalis live, has on various occasions sought to
secede in order to join Somalia (Henze, 1985).
Other examples include religiously-motivated struggles
in Algeria; secession efforts by ethnic Tamils in Sri
Lanka; the struggle between the anglophone minority
and the francophone majority in Cameroon; the Tibetan
independence movement in China; continued Muslim-Hindu
clashes in India; Kurd nationalism in Iraq; the
struggle of the Timorese in East Timor (Indonesia);
and the Kashmiris' struggle to gain independence from
India, to name a few.
Ethnicity and Governance in the Third World
Peaceful coexistence of various groups of people that
exhibit distinct identity differences is a necessary
condition for effective governance and for social and
economic advancement. It is probably the failure to
achieve this condition in many developing countries
that explains these societies' low rates of economic
growth. Economic crises and the extreme violations of
civil liberties that characterize the majority of many
Third World countries are to a large extent the
product of institutions that are not suited to dealing
with heterogeneous populations. The failure of
political institutions to accommodate diverse interest
groups (ethnic, religious, and linguistic) has
generated conflict situations that adversely affect
political and economic outcomes. It is the failure of
political institutions to effectively balance the
interests of different groups that we consider the
primary cause of the pathetic conditions in many
developing countries today. In other words, we believe
that a primary cause of the low level of social and
economic development in many Third World countries is
the failure to deal effectively with diversity. When
political institutions adequately harmonize the
interests of diverse groups, diversity contributes
positively to political stability and to economic
growth and development. On the other hand, failure of
institutions to deal adequately with diverse interests
results in political instability, civil strife, and
economic stagnation.
Ethnicity is a key feature of most Third World
societies. It is therefore rather surprising that few
scholars are involved in studying ethnicity and its
role in the organization and governance of these
societies. As a matter of fact, ethnicity is rarely
discussed in academic forums. To formulate viable
solutions to the many institutional problems facing
the Third World, it is critically important to address
ethnicity from different perspectives. If we accept
that expressions of ethnic, religious and cultural
preferences are a natural phenomenon and consistent
with expression of individual liberty, then we realize
that attempts to suppress such preferences are futile
and cannot lead to peaceful coexistence. Instead, we
need to better understand the positive roles that
ethnicity and other characteristics with which
individuals strongly identify with can play in the
organization of societies. While we acknowledge that
there is an ugly side to "tribalism" or "ethnic
nationalism," we suggest that institutions that seek
to suppress ethnic or tribal preferences necessarily
must involve imposed order and as a result must
generate conflict. Appropriate institutional
arrangements must guarantee the rights of people to
maintain their identity while at the same time freely
choosing to form associations with others for the
purposes of accomplishing common ends. Likewise, it is
necessary to take into account that groups have the
propensity to exclude and marginalize others and
therefore it is critical that there be sufficient
provisions and constraints that adequately protect all
groups from oppression and discriminatory practices.
A few scholars have investigated the subject of
ethnicity from various perspectives (Horowiz, 1994,
1985, 1984; Kimenyi, 1997; Landa, 1997; Mbaku, 1997;
Roback, 1991). While these scholars note that
ethnicity can and does pose serious problems in the
organization of society, they also suggest that under
appropriate institutional arrangements, cooperative
solutions can be achieved. Furthermore, ethnicity can
be exploited to promote competition in the provision
of public goods and also in the production of goods
and services. In other words, under suitable
institutional arrangements, ethnicity may have natural
advantages that can enhance the quality of life. Thus,
these scholars view ethnicity more positively than has
been the case in the past.
A starting point in the search for solutions to
problems that arise due to ethnic differences is to
initiate discussions amongst scholars and
policymakers. Such discussions should explore the
dynamics of group identity and how best to harmonize
the interests of various groups while at the same time
recognizing the need for groups to express their
preferences. With recent democratization efforts in
the Third World and the accompanying constitutional
changes, this is an opportune time to hold such
discussions because the outcomes of such discourse
have a much higher probability of being translated
into policy than was the case just a few years ago.
From June 10-13, 1999, several scholars from around
the world met at the University Park Mariott Hotel in
Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) to begin this important
discourse. The conference, which was sponsored by the
Ford Foundation (New York City) and Weber State
University (Ogden, Utah), was designed to explore new
approaches to dealing with ethnicity. The primary goal
of the conference was to bring together leading Third
World scholars to discuss the issue of ethnicity as it
relates to governance and peaceful coexistence. The
goal of the conference was not only to discuss the
issue but also to come up with some general statements
and observations on possible approaches to dealing
with the various problems related to ethnicity. The
present volume builds on the discussions that took
place in Salt Lake City. In addition, the editors have
solicited contributions from other scholars who have
an interest in peaceful coexistence in the Third
World, but who, as a result of prior commitments, were
unable to join them in Salt Lake City.
[1] Riker, William H. 1964. Federalism: Origin, Operation, Significance. Boston: Little, Brown
[2] The New Vision Supplement, Monday, February 17, 2003
[3] Source: Kampala City Council
2 Bukedi, West Nile, Kigezi, and Tooro are examples of States that would probably have some ethnic districts that would need representation in state legislatures.